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Mrs. Shod of Gulfstream Road, asked about the areas covered in the <br />General Plan. Chairperson Getty responded that if it comes in as one <br />block of property, the Planning Commission can recommend certain <br />areas be removed from it. She stated this property is not part <br />of the City yet. <br />Richard Jones, 3766 Pimlico Drive, asked what the problem is with <br />removing "Industrial." Mr. Harris said that it is General Planned <br />"Industrial" and the General Plan would first have to be changed. <br />PUD-81-25, Frank Auf der Maur et al <br />Application of Frank Auf der Maur et al to rezone an approximately <br />73 acre site located between Stanley Boulevard on the north and the <br />Arroyo del Valle on the south including lots fronting on California <br />Street on the west to a point approximately 2,000 feet east of <br />California Street to the PUD (.Planned Unit Development/Commercial) <br />District. Any other zoning district consistent with the General <br />Plan may be considered under this application. The property is <br />zoned C-S (Commercial Service) District. A negative declaration <br />of environmental impacts was also considered. <br />Mr. Harris reviewed the staff report recommending approval. <br />The public hearing was opened. <br />Art Dunkley, Castlewood Properties, 205-F Main Street, represented <br />the property owners. He stated they concur with the staff report <br />but would like to add "O" in the Conditionally Allowed Uses: <br />fisting, Repair and Maintenance laboratories." <br />Mr. Harris stated the staff has no problem with this addition. <br />Commissioner Wilson asked what kind of testing, repair and <br />maintenance would take place. Mr. Harris said it was general but that <br />any request for a use would be brought before the Planning Commission <br />and if deemed improper could be denied by the Commission at that time. <br />The public hearing was closed. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Lindsey, seconded by Commissioner <br />Wilson, that the negative declaration prepared for case PUD-81-25 be <br />recommended for approval inasmuch as the proposal would have no <br />significant adverse effects on the environment. <br />ROLL CALL VOTE <br />Ayes: Commissioners Doherty, Jamieson, Lindsey, Wilson and <br />Chairperson Getty <br />Noes: None <br />Absent: None <br />Abstain: None <br />Resolution No. 2098 was then entered and adopted recommending approval <br />of the negative declaration for case PUD-81-25 as motioned. <br />-7 - <br />