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immediately easterly of and adjacent to the present City limit line <br />approximately 2,000 feet west of E1 Charro Road to any zoning district <br />consistent with the General Plan. <br />Mr. Harris presented the staff report and that this matter was <br />referred back to the Planning Commission by the City Council after <br />public outcry against PUD-Industrial zoning. Mr. Harris stated that <br />there was no such opposition at the time of the Planning Commission <br />public hearing regarding this property. <br />Commissioner Doherty said that if the property is still general planned <br />Industrial and prezoning goes to agricultural, the problem is not <br />going to go away. He suggested that perhaps the General Plan in that <br />area should be looked at. <br />Mr. Harris explained that the General Plan is being looked at in <br />the area because the Moldt Ranch is being considered for annexation <br />and as soon as the EIR is complete a large amount of land in the <br />same area will be coming before the Planning Commission and City <br />Council. He also stated that the County is interested in industrial <br />zoning of their property in the area. He stated there are about <br />400 acres connected with the general plan amendment. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jamieson, seconded by Commissioner <br />Lindsey that the property described in case RZ-81-10 be prezoned <br />to A (Agricultural) District. <br />ROLL CALL VOTE <br />Ayes: Commissioners Doherty, Jamieson, Lindsey, Wilson and <br />Chairperson Getty <br />Noes: None <br />Absent: None <br />Abstain: None <br />Resolution No. 2097 was then entered and adopted recommending the <br />property described in case RZ-81-10 be prezoned A (Agricultural) <br />District. <br />Bill Morris, 3151 Gulfstream, requested the Planning Commission <br />attempt to change the General Plan as they did in case RZ-81-17. <br />Commissioner Doherty explained that the area along with other areas <br />will be looked at for the purpose of a general plan amendment. This <br />property will be looked at at the same time and rather than piece <br />mealing, that would be the time to look at the General Plan land use <br />designation as part of the surrounding areas as well. <br />Mr. Harris stated the EIR is being prepared right now and it will <br />probably be three months before the Draft EIR is completed. When <br />that is done the general plan amendment request for Moldt will be <br />considered. He stated there will be a public hearing before both <br />the Planning Commission and City Council and all surrounding property <br />owners would be notified and anyone else requesting notification <br />will be advised. <br />-6 - <br />