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Jim Casari, 3710 Trenery Drive, asked what will happen to the pro- <br />perty other than the 7 parcels when the 7 parcels come into the <br />City. <br />Mr. Harris said that it is not the City Council's policy to bring <br />property into the City unless the property owners are interested in <br />doing so. He stated there are two other annexations being con- <br />sidered right now; the Molinaro and Kamp properties. Mr. Casari <br />asked if the entire area wishes to come into the City, would <br />Mr. Harris explain Medium vs. High Density Residential. Mr. Harris <br />stated the entire area was looked into and the City had to find <br />conformance with the General Plan, so depending on the size of the <br />large parcels there could be some parcels considerably smaller than <br />the 20,000 sq. ft. so long as the overall density did not exceed <br />8 units per acre for standard zoning and 10 for PUD. Mr. Casari <br />stated 6500 sq. ft, lots would reduce the quality of the neighbor- <br />hood. <br />Dean Wagerman, 2333 Martin Avenue, one of the property owners, stated <br />he is asking for 20,000 sq. ft. lots and urged approval of this <br />zoning district. <br />John Montgomery, 3800 Trenery Drive, stated he didn't feel anyone <br />had a problem supporting R-1-20,000 but do lean to Low Density <br />because no clarification has been given that there would not be <br />some 6500 sq. ft. lots in the area. He said he realizes development <br />is inevitable. He had no problems with R-1-20,000 if it is firm <br />but would prefer Low Density Residential. <br />Commissioner Wilson asked if Mr. Montgomery is the owner of the <br />10 acre parcel and Mr. Montgomery said he was. <br />The resident of 3737 Trenery Drive urged that the rural atmosphere <br />be maintained. He urged the property be Low Density Residential. <br />He said he is upset concerning the Trenery Drive extension because <br />he has never heard of it before. Mr. Warnick said there is an <br />approved industrially zoned strip from Oakland Avenue to almost Santa <br />Rita Road and that the proposal is to run Rheem Drive from the Spice <br />plant over to Santa Rita Road. He further said there is a proposal <br />for a signal. Mr. Warnick reviewed the map of the area. <br />The public hearing was closed. <br />Chairperson Getty reported that the Planning Commission earlier <br />suggested the area be Low Density Residential and it was the advice <br />of the Land Use Committee that the property be Low Density. She <br />said the Council did not take this advice. Mr. Harris clarified this <br />statement by stating the recommendation of the Land Use Committee <br />was to have the properties east of Oakland Avenue be Low Density <br />Residential. <br />Commissioner Wilson said he would like to see a line drawn from <br />Parcel 31 through the Kamp property and everything west be Medium <br />and everything east be Low Density. <br />-3- <br />