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matter be looked into again. Mr. Warnick indicated the Traffic <br />Committee minutes had been submitted to the City Council and they <br />did not have any comments one way or the other concerning this <br />matter. <br />Chairperson Getty then brought up the matter of busses being parked <br />near the Baptist Church. She asked that the staff write another <br />letter to the church regarding this matter. <br />OLD BUSINESS - Public Hearings <br />RZ-81-17, City of Pleasanton <br />Application of the City of Pleasanton to prezone (Annexation 91) an <br />approximately 35 acre site located on the west side of Martin Avenue <br />at its intersection of Mohr Avenue to any zoning district consistent <br />with the General Plan. A negative declaration of environmental impacts <br />was also considered. <br />Mr. Harris explained the staff report and that this matter was con- <br />tinued last month by the Planning Commission to afford the owners time <br />to consider the proper zoning for their property. He said a letter <br />is before the Commission with five out of the seven property owners' <br />signatures requesting R-1-20,000 zoning (1/2 acre lots). <br />Commissioner Lindsey asked under Medium Density zoning if it is possible <br />to limit the size of the lots to 20,000 sq. ft. Mr. Harris said if the <br />property is prezoned R-1-20 that would be the minimum lot size. <br />Commissioner Lindsey suggested another alternative would be to amend <br />the General Plan to Low Density Residential. <br />The public hearing was opened. <br />Shirley Lauer, 2221 Martin Avenue, asked for clarification of the <br />application and requested information on other proposals for the <br />area. She said she is neither for or against the proposal but would <br />like to understand the nature of the requests in the area. She asked <br />what zoning is proposed. Commissioner Wilson asked Ms. Lauer what <br />zoning she would like. Ms. Lauer said she would like at least one- <br />half acre lots. <br />Mr. Harris then explained the annexation request and subsequent pre- <br />zoning application. <br />Bob Cooper, 3711 Trenery, indicated that by using one-half acre lot <br />sizes it amounts to about 70 homes and asked what steps the City <br />have taken to improve the area, especially with 200 cars per day <br />using the area. He said the traffic is bad now with six homes. <br />He preferred the spirit of the area not be violated, i.e., people <br />living there have animals and other rural living conditions. He <br />preferred one acre or one-half acre minimum lot sizes. <br />Mr. Warnick explained the <br />including Santa Rita Road, <br />stated that the developers <br />future. <br />capital improvements in the area <br />Rheem Drive and Trenery Drive. He <br />will make the improvements in the near <br />-2- <br />. , .,. <br />