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MINUTES <br />PLANNING COMMISSION <br />July 13, 1983 <br />Page 2 <br />REVISIONS AND OMISSIONS TO THE AGENDA (continued) <br />Holiday Inn on Dublin Canyon Road. Mr. Harris indicated the <br />matter is now being referred back to the Planning Commission <br />for their recommendation to the City Council because the <br />proponents changed their plans and these changed plans must <br />be reviewed by the Planning Commission. Chairman Jamieson <br />then added this item to the agenda as 7b. <br />MATTERS INITIATED BY THE COMMISSION MEMBERS <br />Commissioner Wilson asked that the staff look into changing <br />the ordinance with regard to the attendance of commissioners <br />because there is now an alternate commissioner and from time <br />to time the commissioners forego attendance so that the <br />alternate can participate at the meetings. Commissioner <br />Doherty concurred with Commissioner Wilson in this request. <br />Commissioner Lindsey asked about the planned joint meeting <br />with the City Council concerning sewer capacity. Mr. Harris <br />reported that this meeting will be held August 16, 1983, <br />7:OOpm and that the subjects would include growth management <br />and sewage. <br />Chairman Jamieson introduced Peter MacDonald, City Attorney, <br />whom he had requested be present to review the Brown Act. <br />Mr. MacDonald distributed copies of the Brown Act to the <br />Commission members, verbally highlighting sections and opinions <br />relevant to the Planning Commission. <br />Chairman Jamieson made a comment on the Holiday Inn approved <br />by City Council on July 12, 1983 as follows: <br />"It is a pretty sad day when Pleasanton sells its soul <br />for $50,000, especially when our financial picture is <br />so bright. We have a two billion dollar surplus in our <br />general fund. In return for the $50,000, we are getting <br />a 249 room, seven story hotel squeezed into a six story. <br />Something is certainly going to be cut or reduced; and <br />with many, what I feel, are superior projects just waiting <br />in the wings, we are getting a hotel which is below <br />the standards of Holiday Inns in Santa Clara and San <br />Francisco. As I have said many times, Pleasanton can be <br />very selective of projects which they want to come to <br />this fair city, so why do we take less than the best <br />for Pleasanton. Thank you." <br />OLD BUSINESS - Public Hearings <br />