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MINUTES <br />PLANNING COMMISSION <br />JULY 13, 1983 <br />Page 13 <br />Review of Reviewed Plans for Holiday Inn (referred from City <br />Council on July 12, 1983 <br />Mr. Swift explained that the Planning Commission is required <br />to make a recommendation to the City Council within 45 days <br />and that the ordinance to approve the plans was introduced <br />July 12, 1983 and that the scheduling for the adoption would <br />be July 26, 1983 and become effective 30 days therefrom unless <br />the City Council elected to change their minds on the approval. <br />Commissioner Wilson felt that a more workable plan had been <br />presented as a result of previous denial by the Planning <br />Commission. <br />Mr. Viar, Holiday Inns, Memphis, Tennessee, presented a slide <br />projection showing the new site plans, elevations and landscaping <br />plan as presented to City Council July 12, 1983. <br />Commissioner Lindsey asked Mr. Viar if this project will be <br />similar to the one in Union City. Mr. Viar said it would not <br />be and that the facility in Union City is operated by a <br />franchisee. He further stated that Holiday Inns are a little <br />over 30 years old and they are concentrating on quality and <br />capitalizing on mistakes previously made. He said they have <br />actually closed many facilities; last year 49 were closed. <br />They have upgraded many more facilities with 19 new locations <br />currently under construction. Referring to a statement made <br />by Chairman Jamieson earlier, he said perhaps someday Pleasanton <br />would have facilities similar to San Francisco but at this time <br />the market doesn't warrant them. He had concerns with the <br />interpretation of their $50,000 donation. He stated that it <br />was offered to help the community and not for any other purpose. <br />Chairman Jamieson asked Mr. Viar if the Pleasanton area isn't <br />just as important as Santa Clara. The applicant responded that <br />this area is a superior one but that the market just cannot <br />support facilities similar to Santa Claraand San Francisco at <br />this time. He indicated that at some future time they would <br />probably be interested in doing an executive. hotel in the area <br />and in fact have talked to the Hacienda Business Park people <br />about this very thing. Commissioner Doherty was convinced <br />the hotel would have business people using the facility. <br />Chairman Jamieson wasn't convinced that this area needs convention-type <br />centers. <br />Commissioner Doherty said there is finally a place where 250 <br />people could meet in this area. Commissioner Wilson guessed <br />that there will probably be four or five hotels proposed and <br />that the one who comes in for building permits first will <br />probably be built. Commissioner Doherty indicated that he <br />would like to see a Johan in the Whale Restaurant in one of the <br />hotel facilities. <br />-13- <br />_._..r_. <br />_._ <br />