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MINUTES <br />PLANNING COMMISSION <br />JULY 13, 1983 <br />Page 14 <br />Commissioner Lindey acknowledged that Pleasanton needs a <br />quality hotel and urged the applicant to keep that in mind. <br />He said that the proposed location is a good one for a hotel. <br />Commissioner Getty has concerns with traffic in the area <br />proposed for the Holiday Inn. Mr. Viar explained the <br />circulation system of the area and did not believe there <br />would be a particular traffic problem. <br />Commissioner Wilson indicated that the traffic reports showed <br />a hotel to be a better use than an office building with <br />regard to traffic problems. <br />Chairman Jamieson asked if anyone in the audience cared to <br />comment on the Holiday Inn. <br />r~ir. Hovingh, 4250 Muirwood Drive, spoke in opposition to the <br />proposal at this location, because of traffic concerns on <br />Foothill Road. He suggested it might even be appropriate <br />for the applicant to rescind their offer of $50,000 to the <br />City. He addressed revenue the City would get from the <br />Holiday Inn. <br />Commissioner Doherty then made a motion based on the review <br />of the slides showing the site plan, elevations, landscape <br />plan, etc. that the Planning Commission recommend approval <br />of the plans subject to the conditions shown in the staff <br />report. This motion was seconded by Commissioner Wilson. <br />ROLL CALL VOTE <br />AYES: Commissioners Doherty, Lindsey and Wilson <br />NOES: Commissioners Getty and Chairman Jamieson <br />ABSENT: None <br />ABSTAIN: None <br />Resolution No. 2334 was entered and adopted recommending <br />the approval of the six-story Holiday Inn as shown on the <br />plans submitted to the City Council July 12, 1983 and to <br />the .Planning Commission on July 13, 1983 subject to the <br />conditions of the staff report to the City Council on <br />July 12, 1983. <br />TENTATIVE MAPS, COMMUNICATIONS, REFERRALS <br />There was no discussion on these items. <br />-14- Revised 7/27/83 <br />