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MINUTES <br />PLANNING COMMISSION <br />JULY 13, 1983 <br />Page 11 <br />Commissioner Wilson asked if a bank was located in the regional <br />shopping center would that institution be allowed a branch office <br />in a neighborhood shopping center. Mr. Swift indicated they <br />would not and that if you wished to locate a branch in the <br />neighborhood shopping centers, you would first have to have a <br />branch in the downtown area. He indicated that financial <br />institutions were anticipated around the regional shopping cener. <br />Commissioner Wilson felt that the resolution governing banks <br />in the downtown area should be cleaned up. <br />Larry Lindsey, 1975 Foxswallow Drive, indicated that when <br />one applies for a charter from the State, a location must be <br />furnished. Larry Lindsey feels that there are many locations <br />in the downtown area still appropriate for financial institutions. <br />Commissioner Getty, as a member of the California Downtown <br />Association, stated that there are several cities adopting <br />ordinances similar to the resolution adopted by the City of <br />Pleasanton. She felt that employees of these institutions <br />patronize restaurants and other establishments in town. She <br />also indicated that customers of the banks are inclined to shop <br />in the downtown area when going to or from banks. She also <br />felt that Wells Fargo should be located downtown instead of in <br />a neighborhood shopping center. <br />Chairman Jamieson then opened the subject for public comment. <br />Mike Cardwell, Coast Federal Savings, referred to his letter <br />given to the Planning Commission requesting they recommend a <br />waiver of policy as requested. He said they will maintain <br />their office in the downtown area but that the branch office <br />is being offered for sale and there are potential buyers for <br />the site who do not have a branch in downtown. Commissioner <br />Doherty asked Mr. Cardwell what is wrong with the accounts <br />being transferred to their downtown location and using the <br />vacant space in the shopping center for another use unrelated <br />to financial institutions. Mr. Cardwell explained. He did <br />say that Commissioner Doherty's suggestion is their second <br />choice and would do so if they absolutely had to. He asked for <br />special consideration of his circumstances. <br />No one else addressed the Planning Commission on this item.. <br />Assistant City Attorney, Brian Swift, explained that the City <br />Council would like the Planning Commission to review the <br />Resolution and that this is a major reason it is before the <br />Commission. He indicated a recommendation could be made on <br />the resolution and another recommendation made with regard to <br />the request for waiver of Coast Federal Savings. <br />-11- <br />