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Minutes <br />Planning Commissio; <br />11/28/84 <br />Commissioner Lindsey asked if all of the homes were two story in <br />Unit A. Mr. Pinkerton said they will be two story. Commissioner <br />Lindsey also expressed concerns with density. Mr. Pinkerton <br />indicated there is a public need for this type of housing. Area <br />A is really a continuance of the product approved in SEptember of <br />last year. They just want to continue that product out. <br />The public hearing was closed. <br />Commissioner Getty asked about the setbacks generally required. <br />Mr. Harris indicated they are exactly as those 180 previously <br />approved. Staff has no unusual concerns about the project. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Lindsey, seconded by <br />Commissioner Getty that case PUD-84-17 be recommended for <br />approval subject to the conditions of the staff report, modifying <br />No. 2 as requested by Mr. Harris. <br />ROLL CALL VOTE <br />AYES• Commissioners Getty and Lindsey <br />NOES• Commissioner Innes, Wilson and <br />• Chairman Doherty <br />ABSENT: None <br />ABSTAIN: None <br />Resolution No. 2572 was entered and adopted denying case <br />PUD-84-17 as motioned. <br />Chairman Doherty reiterated that his 'no' vote was because the <br />project was too dense. He then advised the applicants they have <br />15 days in which to appeal this decision to the City Council. <br />Schoebers Request for Reconfiguration of Use Inside of Their <br />Racquetball Club at 5341 Owens Court. <br />Mr. Swift gave an oral presentation indicating that after <br />reviewing all of the project files of Schoebers, that the <br />proponent has the right to reconfigure the inside of their <br />existing racquetball facility at 5341 Owens Court as described <br />because there is no change in the use. <br />Chairman Doherty stated it is nice that Mr. Wasserteil of <br />Schoebers came to the Planning Commission with his request. <br />Commissioner Lindsey stated that Mr. Wasserteil did come to him <br />and discussed the issue and Commissioner Lindsey's concerns have <br />been eliminated. He thanked Mr. Wasserteil for his visit. <br />NEW BUSINESS - Public Hearings <br />- 7 - <br />__~ - ----. __ ____ ......._ . _._ .. _ _ .. _ _... .. . ._..._ _ _ .._ _ . _ _ __ - ~' <br />