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8/8/84 <br />Planning Commission <br />Page 6 <br />Commissioner Innes indicated he catnot support tentative map tract 5229 <br />because of all of the reasons discussed tonight. He didn't believe that potential <br />traffic problems are resolved. <br />Commissioner Wilson stated he was not going to support the application because <br />it eliminates the possibility of correcting LOS "F" traffic conditions should <br />they ever exist by the permanent elimination of the extension of Sutter Gate. <br />He was sorry for Crocker Homes and MacKay and Somps but he just cannot agree <br />with it. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Lindsey, seconded by Commissioner Wellman <br />that Tract 5229 be approved subject to the conditions shown in the staff <br />report, amending condition number 33 as requested by the Director of Public <br />Works and Utilities and adding condition number 38 as requested by him. <br />ROLL CALL VOTE <br />AYES: Commissioners Lindsey, Wellman and Chairman Doherty <br />NOES: Commissioners Innes and Wilson <br />ABSENT: Commissioner Getty <br />ABSTAIN: None <br />Resolution No. 2505 was entered and adopted approving Tract 5229 as motioned. <br />GP-84-3, Cynthia Ostle <br />Applicaiton of Cynthia Ostle to amend the General Plan Land Use Element designation <br />of an approximately 10,000 sq. ft. site from Medium Density Residential to <br />Commercial and Offices located at 1734 Santa Rita Road. Zoning for the property <br />is R-1-6500 (Single-family Residential) District. A negative declaration <br />of environmental impacts will also be considered. <br />Mr. Harris presented the staff report recommending approval of this application. <br />Commissioner Wilson asked if this would be spot zoning. Mr. Harris acknowledged <br />that it could be considered that. <br />The public hearing was opened. <br />Cynthia Ostle, 3832 Foothill Road, concurred with the staff report and urged <br />approval by the Planning Commission. <br />Commissioner Innes asked if the house in question belongs to Ms. Ostle. <br />She stated that it does belong to her and previously was owned by her parents. <br />The public hearing was closed. <br />Commissioner Wilson couldn't support this application because he believed <br />it to be spot zoning. He-felt a precedent would be set and real .estate <br />brokers would be finding similar situations. He felt that houses can be <br />rented for a good income and he would not recommend approval of this application <br />Commissioner Lindsey stated that in the four months this application has <br />been considered, nothing has changed to make the Planning Commission support <br />it. He concurred with the comments of Commissioner Wilson. <br />The Commission then discussed the environmental aspects of the proposal along <br />with the possibility of denying it. Chairman Doherty explained the proper <br />actions to be taken. <br />-6- <br />___.____ . . _.._. _~__....__. _..... _, ~. ... __.... kr _T._w:,, . .... _ .... ....___ _._.. ... .. _. ~~ .. _ _ .h.. ... . <br />