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8/8/84 <br />Planning Commission <br />Page 5 <br />Tract 5229, Crocker Homes <br />Application of Crocker Homes to subdivide the approximately 8 acre site <br />located on the north side of Parkside Drive immediately west of the western <br />terminus of Sutter Gate Avenue into 33 separate parcels. The property is <br />zoned R-1-7500 (Single-family Residential) District. <br />Mr. Harris indicated that Mr. Warnick, Director of Public Works and Utilities <br />has distributed an amendment to the staff report changing condition number <br />33 and adding condition number thirty-eight. Mr. Warnick presented a review <br />of the amended document explaining that it has come about as a result of <br />City Council addressing emergency access to the park. The cost of improvements <br />will be shared between Crocker Homes, Hacienda Business Park and the City. <br />The City has met with these people and Crocker agrees to perform work related <br />to their development for $100,000. If the work is done for less, the difference <br />would be contributed to landscaping next to Suttergate. The front of the <br />park would be done by Hacienda Business Park for a total of $250,000 and <br />any funds not used would be contributed to the landscaping. Hopefully there <br />will be about $40,000 left over between the two. This proposal will go before <br />City Council at their next meeting. <br />Commissionerlnnes asked if it has been determined that by improving Hopyard <br />Road at the sports park the traffic can be handled. Mr. Warnick reported <br />that the traffic should not get to LOS E because of the left turn lanes. <br />Commissioner Wilson felt that the expenses should be covered in an assessment <br />district against the existing dwelling units because he believes that Sutter <br />Gate should be open as originally intended. <br />Chairman Doherty had a problem with Crocker Homes and Hacienda Business Park <br />paying for the entire improvement. He would hate to see a job not done up <br />to the quality standards that Pleasanton has come to expect. Mr. Warnick <br />explained that City Council has control over the quality of the development. <br />Commissioner Wilson reiterated that he did not want to prevent forever the <br />opening of Sutter Gate. No one can guarantee what the LOS will be and cutting <br />Sutter Gate off totally will cause the elimination of one possible solution. <br />Commissioner Innes had some concern with access to the sports park and pedestrian <br />bridge across the arroyo. As it is noW the tenants of Hacienda will have <br />to get in their cars to drive to a baseball game. <br />The public hearing was opened. <br />Larry Bartelson, MacKay and Somps, Concord, represented Crocker Homes. This <br />project has been delayed for over six months because of Sutter Gate. He <br />asked the Commission to not continue the matter again. He stated that Crocker <br />Homes has reviewed the 37 conditions applicable to the tentative map. They <br />do not agree with condition number 33 as stated therein, but do concur with <br />the recommendations of the Director of Public Works and Utilities concerning <br />the new wording and the addition of condition number 38. <br />Chairman Doherty confirmed with Mr. Bartelson that he now agrees to the new <br />condition number 33 and the added condition number 38. <br />The public hearing was closed. <br />-5- <br />. .._ .._.__.... ......._. , . .. _._. . _..._._ ... _. _..... __.._..._.. _T..a_..,_ ... _.._~... __._.. _.. .. .. .,_.. _ .ice. _. <br />