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8/8/84 <br />Planning Commission <br />Page 4 <br />OLD BUSINESS - Public Hearings <br />PUD-83-25, Frank Auf der Maur <br />Application of Frank Auf der Maur for PUD (Planned Unit Development)-zoning <br />and development plan approval on the approximately 70 acre site located on <br />the south side of Stanley Boulevard immediately east of the Stow-A-Way Mini-Storage <br />property and to revise the types of commercial uses allowed and conditionally <br />allowed in certain parts of the project area. Zoning for the property is <br />PUD (Planned Unit Development)-Commercial District. A negative declaration <br />of environmental impacts will also be considered. <br />This matter was continued indefinitely at the applicant's request. <br />RZ-84-10, City of Pleasanton <br />Application of the Planning Commission to amend certain sections of the zoning <br />code as they pertain to temporary subdivision and real estate signs adjacent <br />to freeways. The Planning Commission may recommend any action on this matter <br />deemed to be in the public interest. <br />Mr. Harris presented the staff report indicating that staff wasn't sure which <br />alternative would be best. The City Attorney has advised staff, however, <br />that he doesn't believe all for sale signs can be banned. <br />Commissioner Lindsey asked if it would be possible to have tract signs subject <br />to design review. Mr. Swift indicated that this would be possible. Commissioner <br />Lindsey asked why the City Attorney's office is concerned about the 1000'difference. <br />Mr. swift explained that certain properties are within 1000' of the scenic <br />route, i.e., Mozart and Vorelco. <br />Commissioner Wellman asked if there could be a time limit imposed. Staff does <br />not feel that a time limit would be appropriate. <br />Commissioner Innes asked staff if they are proposing that all signs go through <br />Design Review. Staff is recommending signs over 12 sq. ft. <br />in size go before design review. Smaller signs would be allowed. Commissioner <br />Innes asked how the request of Hacienda would be handled. Mr. Harris indicated <br />that the ordinance could be expanded to indicate all temporary signs. Commissioner <br />Innes would like to change the definition. Chairman Doherty asked if Commissioner <br />Innes was recommending that "all temporary signs" be removed. Commissioner <br />Innes indicated that this is his desire. <br />Commissioner Wilson asked if it is being proposed to eliminate 'Scenic Highway' <br />and would relate to freeways only. Mr. Harris stated that staff is recommending <br />that 'scenic highways' be removed. <br />Commissioner Lindsey felt that definite standards should be set. Commissioner <br />Wilson asked if berms are part of a sign structure. Mr. Harris indicated <br />he had not reviewed the definition of 'signs' for a long time. <br />It was then decided that case RZ-84-10 would come back before the Commission <br />on 9/12/84. The public hearing was then opened and continued to 9/12/84. <br />-4- <br />_, <br />_. ,_ <br />