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PC 06/13/84
City of Pleasanton
PC 06/13/84
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PC 06/13/84
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MINUTES <br />PLANNING COMMISSION <br />6/13/84 <br />Page 9 <br />Ron Peck, Hayward, represented Cooper, Fezzari, Lauer, Selway, Singleton and <br />Wiemken et al. He thanked the Commission for continuing the public hearing. <br />Most of the persons who he represents desire to speak themselves but cannot <br />be present tonight. He expressed concerns with substantial traffic increases <br />on the residents of the Mohr Martin Area. The quality of life style will change <br />if traffic is allowed to impact the area. He felt the quality of life is <br />just as important to the people of the Mohr-Martin Area as to the people of <br />Pleasanton Meadows. If Martin AVenue becomes a major thoroughfare, it will <br />undermind the rural neighborhood. Potentially the proposed change would allow <br />gravel trucks down Martin-Mohr to Santa Rita Road. Regarding quick emergency <br />access, the development going on at the west end has roads running through <br />it. Commissioner Innes suggested that Mr. Peck tell the persons he represents <br />that comments should be made in writing and sent to the staff at the earliest <br />possible time. <br />Carol Edgerton, 4039 West Las Positas, is a renter and concerned about childrens' <br />safety with regard to traffic on West Las Positas Boulevard. <br />Martin Inderbitzen, 62 West Neal Street, represented the Molinaro's. Their <br />offical position is "no comment." He felt the matter needs much more discussion <br />concerning the impact on the area as a whole. They will be represented September <br />12, 1984 when the matter is considered again. They asked that they be contacted <br />independent of Bissell & Karn. Chairman Doherty asked that a written form <br />of communication be made to staff so that this is noted. <br />Max Gahrahmat, 3476 Edward Avenue, Santa Clara, CA 95050 (408-988-2990), had <br />concerns with the width of the road, who would pay for it and the fact that <br />Chu Choi et al haven't been consulted concerning this matter at all. Las Positas <br />may be a problem but consideration should be given as to whether it should <br />go. They feel that there is no benefit to him and others concerning the proposed <br />road changes. Commissioner Innes asked if Mr. Gahkahmat represented the property <br />owners. Mr. Gahrahmat responded that he is a partial owner. <br />Al Wiemken, Trenery Drive, indicated that the notice sent had no mention of <br />Martin Avenue on it. The curving of Stoneridge Drive makes a lot of sense, <br />but he was concerned about the Martin area having 1000 trips per day when it <br />now has about 30. It is a rural area, all homes facing Martin Avenue have <br />no fencing in the front. They don't want Martin to be a main drag. They are <br />concerned with the possibility of gravel trucks coming to the area. He felt <br />there were a lot of unanswered questions. He indicated he would recap all <br />of his previous comments, put them into one document and submit them. <br />Herb Singleton, 2207 Martin Avenue, represented the three northern most units <br />of Martin Avenue where it deadends into what used to be the Thorpe property. <br />He addressed emergency vehicular access into the area. He didn't <br />feel this was a problem at all. <br />The Chairman again announced that this matter is being continued to September <br />12, 1984, 8:OOpm, City Council Chambers and urged the folks in the audience <br />to present their concerns in writing to the staff at the earliest possible <br />time. <br />-9- <br />.. _~... . ~w _.. _ _ .._. _.._. _ __ <br />
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