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[This item was continued to the meeting of January 18, 2007.] <br />B. Recommendation Regarding the Countywide Homeless and Special Needs <br />Housing Plan <br />Scott Erickson introduced this item. He noted that the Commission heard a presentation <br />from Linda Gardner of the Alameda County oftice of Housing and Community <br />Development at the November joint workshop with the Livermore Human Services <br />Commission. Staff attached a complete copy of the Lvery 1 Home plan to the staff report <br />for this meeting and provided a new summary of the Plan. <br />At this time, staff is seeking a recommendation from the Commission to endorse the Plan. <br />The Commission's recommendation will be forwarded to the City Council for review and <br />approval of the City's endorsement of the Plan. <br />It was moved by Commissioner Stark, seconded by Commissioner Jones, to <br />recommend endorsement of the EverylHome Plani per the staff recommendation. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />C. Review of Process for Additional Review of Amended Condominium Conversion <br />Ordinance and Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance <br />Commissioner Stark advised that he would recuse himself from any discussions or <br />decision making regarding this item. Chairperson Harris noted that the purpose of this <br />agenda item is not to discuss the ordinance itself but rather to discuss the process for <br />review of the ordinance, most likely involving a workshop. <br />Commission Steven 13ocian presented the staff report., Mr. t3ocian stated that staff would <br />like to set up a workshop with the Commission to do more outreach particularly to the <br />real estate community and get their responses and have .a subsequent meeting where the <br />Commission could decide whether they do want to change anything on their <br />recommendations. The Commission may review the new input bttt retain their previous <br />recommendation. The goal is to have this issue heard at the January 18 meeting. The <br />workshop would need to be scheduled before that time. Staff would then like to take this <br />issue to the Chamber in February and back to the CityCauncil all within a 90-day <br />timeframe. <br />Becky Dennis, 838 Gray Fox Circle, Pleasanton, addressed the Commission. Ms. Dennis <br />noted that she represents Citizens for a Caring Community, a local housing advocacy <br />group. She asked if staff had provided notice regarding this meeting to her group. Scott <br />Erickson responded that he believed that Pat Belding was on the notice list for this matter <br />as well as for regular Commission agendas. Ms. Dennis requested that she also be added <br />to the notice list. She also felt that the City should be sending notice to tenants in <br />Page-4- <br />