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Livermore location. This provides a greater opportunity for residents from throughout <br />the Tri-Valley area to gain access to the programs. <br />Chairperson Harris asked for clarification regarding the number of Pleasanton <br />participants. Ms. Rickman replied that there have been 32 Pleasanton <br />residents/households who have participated in the Center's programs, and two of these <br />have gone on to purchase homes. <br />Commissioner Stark thanked Ms. Rickman for a <br />locations in which homes have been purchased. <br />majority were part of a specific below-market de <br />Groves. In addition, several clients purchased h~ <br />and Danville. Commissioner Stark asked if the 1 <br />Rickman replied that it would be two-fold; more <br />step will be fundraising. <br />ttend~ng the meeting. He asked about the <br />Ms. Rickman responded that the <br />velopment in Livermore called The <br />~mesi in Mountain House, San Ramon, <br />enter had any specific needs. Ms. <br />people and more funding. Their next <br />Commissioner Jones asked how the Center conducts marketing in Pleasanton. Ms. <br />Rickman replied that this takes place through a variety of means. As noted earlier, <br />orientations are conducted periodically in Pleasanton (at the Senior Center, for example). <br />Center staff also meets with various community groups and has worked with staff to do <br />mail-outs to persons who have expressed interest in the City's affordable home <br />ownership programs. In addition, City staff refer interested parties to the Center on an <br />on-going basis. <br />The Commission thanked Ms. Rickman for providing; an update regarding the activities <br />of the Tri-Valley Housing Opportunity Center and wished her continued success. <br />IIoward Neely, 448 Amador Court, Pleasanton, addressed the Commission. Mr. Neely <br />stated that he received his Housing Commission packet. and read over the items. He <br />expressed concern regarding developers who opt to pay the Lower Income Housing Fee <br />in lieu of providing affordable housing units in their projects. He feels that the City <br />needs to think about land for housing. He would like to see the Commission have a <br />zoning map available at all of its meetings to be able to visually track land available for <br />housing. Mr. Neely also recommended that the Commission consider assigning <br />individual members to specific issues so that they are tracked over time. <br />7. MATTERS CONTINUED FOR DISCUSSION <br />[There were none.] <br />8. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND OTHER MATTERS <br />A. Recommendation Regardmg Proposed Affordable'Housing Plan for the Oak <br />Grove Project <br />Page - 3 - <br />