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5. CONSENT CALENDAR <br />A. Approval of the Minutes for the November 16, 2006, Housing Commission <br />Meeting <br />B. Approval of the November 2006 Financial Reports for Ridge View Commons and <br />Kottinger Place <br />C. Management Updates for Kottinger Place and Ridge View Commons <br />D. Miscellaneous Project Updates <br />It was moved by Vice Chairperson Hodgett, seconded by Commissioner Jones, to <br />approve the Consent Calendar. Motion carried unanimously. <br />6. MEETING OPEN TO THE PUBLIC <br />Scott Erickson introduced Jacqueline Rickman, who was recently hired as Center <br />Director for the Tri-Valley Housing Opportunity Center. Ms. Rickman addressed the <br />Commission and provided some background information and statistics regarding the <br />Center's first year of operation. <br />The Center celebrated its one-year anniversary last October. To date, a total of 827 Tri- <br />Valley residents or households have received services; through the Center. In addition, <br />187 of these have participated in one-on-one pre-purchase counseling sessions. A total of <br />22 orientation workshops have been held to date, and j188 individuals have been through <br />the Center's 8-hour certificate class. In its first year, a total of 32 Center clients have <br />achieved homeownership. Specific to Pleasanton, a total of 32 residents/households <br />completed the Center's program, and two of these have purchased homes. <br />Ms. Rickman stated that the Center will soon be introducing a financial literacy program <br />based on funding received through ACAP. This new program element will focus on low <br />and very low income households, including such populations as Section 8 recipients, <br />emancipated youth, and others. This effort will likely ipvolve a longer timeline to help <br />transition participants from renting to eventual home ownership. <br />She also noted that HUD is featuring the Center as a model program in its regional annual <br />report. Only two programs in the western region are receiving this type of attention. One <br />of the Center's graduate families will be featured in an internal HUD publication. <br />Ms. Rickman advised that the next orientation will take place on January 24 in San <br />Ramon. They already have a full house for that orientation, which indicates the degree of <br />continuing interest in the Center's programs. She stated that it is the Center's policy to <br />rotate orientations to the various Tri-Valley communities as well as at the Center's <br />Page - 2 - <br />