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MINUTES <br />PLANNING COMMISSION <br />February 8, 1984 <br />Page 7 <br />Mr. Gonsalves said they want all of the houses to face Martin Avenue. They do not want <br />fences, sidewalks and widening of streets in the area. There is no reason to take Martin <br />Avenue to West Las Positas. He wants this street closed and cul-de-saced. <br />Bob Cooper, 3711 Trenery Drive, stated that last night was the first time they held a meeting <br />on this matter. He said the goals and desires have simply not been reached. He stated the <br />Commission has asked that the seven property owners get together on this and that this has <br />not yet been done. He asked why there is such a hurry to have this development approved. <br />He urged that the plan be taken back to the drawing board. <br />Commissioner Getty was in favor of delaying this project for a plan which would be more <br />aesthetically pleasing and in keeping with the neighborhood. <br />Cathy Selway, 2313 Martin Avenue, stated she did not want any sidewalks, curbs, gutters <br />and fencing. She said one property would have sidewalks which would end abruptly at another's <br />property. She did not like the plan submitted and urged denial. She also urged review of <br />the Mohr/Martin Study prepared for the area. She sympathized with the frustrations of the <br />Planning Commission concerning this property but has on an occasion interrupted a vacation <br />to return to a meeting that was postponed. <br />Herb Singleton, 2207 Martin Avenue, said he was basically in agreement with the plan presented <br />as much as anyone could be when they finally realized the area was going to develop. He <br />felt that the widening of Martin Avenue was not necessary to handle the additional traffic <br />generated by this project. He said the residents of the area want the simpler life. He was <br />opposed to the widening of Martin Avenue and the connection of this street. He stated <br />he is horrified to learn that the property owners would be required to pay for signal lights <br />at Trenery Drive and Santa Rita Road. He supported the comments of Mr. Gonsalves. <br />Bill Selway, 2313 Martin Avenue, was opposed to the project for the same reasons stated by <br />his neighbors. He was of the understanding that a PUD would be a controlled development <br />with guidelines. He stated this does not appear to be the case. He said Commissioner Doherty <br />was successful in getting everyone together but the results were to no avail. He said the <br />plan presented in July was workable with changes but is very much against the plan presented <br />currently. He did not want Martin Avenue widened. <br />Jim Fazzari, 3710 Trenery Drive, was opposed to the project. He felt the 30,000 sq. ft. lots <br />were history as 20,000 sq. ft. ones were approved, but now the PUD proposal has lots smaller <br />than this and he does object. He indicated that at a public hearing Commissioner Doherty <br />asked Mr. Wagerman if he represented the seven homeowners and he stated he did and at <br />that time 30,000 sq. ft. lots were discussed, subsequently to be 20,000 sq. ft. He felt the <br />plan shold go back to the drawing board and if approved should consist of all seven properties. <br />He was opposed to the widening of Martin Avenue and did not want the 35 acres to be developed <br />on a piecemeal basis. He wants ruralness of the area maintained. He said the lot size is really <br />not material but that a good plan is. <br />Al Wiemken, Trenery Drive, asked the Commissioners if they had received the letter which <br />he hand-delivered on Friday. The Commission acknowled ged receipt of it. He said he is <br />totally frustrated with the chain of events. He said he has a attended two meetings; one <br />was last night which was not fruitful and one in which Commissioner Doherty had invited <br />him to attend at City Hall sometime ago. He said the plan presented in July looked pretty <br />good. <br />-_ __._.._ _ .. _. T _. <br />