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public facilities and other factors. These two areas include the <br />Stoneridge Drive Corridor and Downtown (Parcels #24 and #16). <br />Residential Densities <br />There was no public testimony and the consensus was to accept <br />Proposal 5 which is that the City should add two new Residential <br />Land use categories to the General Plan Map. Rural Density <br />Residential would allow a maximum of 1 unit per 5 acres and <br />encourage clustering of units on half acre lots and larger. Very <br />High Density Residential (VHDR) would require a minimum of 30 <br />units per acre. <br />Conversion of Employment Generating Uses <br />There was no public testimony and the consensus was to accept <br />Proposal 6 which is that the City should redesignate about 500 <br />acres of this land to other uses thereby reducing the number of <br />jobs at buildout by about 8,000. <br />Commercial Centers <br />There was no public testimony and the consensus was to accept <br />Proposal 7 which is that the City does not propose any <br />significant change in commercial and office locations. <br />Community Facilities <br />Mayor Brandes asked Mr. Lee if we have any potential school sites <br />under consideration. Mr. Lee answered that school sites were <br />proposed on Parcels 7 and 24. <br />Councilmember Mohr asked if we had considered parks. Mr. Lee <br />answered that additional park sites are proposed on Parcels 4, 7 <br />and 24. <br />There was no public testimony and the consensus was to accept <br />Proposal 8 which is that the City proposes to add a site for a <br />municipal golf course, a larger library, a new corporation yard, <br />a hospital and three parks. <br />Open Space <br />There was no public testimony and the consensus was to accept <br />Proposal 9 which is that the City proposes to retain about 8,200 <br />acres of this land in open space and not allow construction other <br />than for single family homes on existing lots of record. This <br />land consists of steep slopes, unstable terrain and high <br />elevations on Pleasanton Ridge and the Southeast Hills. The <br />remaining 1,300 acres is proposed for Rural Density Residential <br />use allowing 1 unit per 5 acres. This land is less steep, more <br />stable and located on lower elevations closer to existing <br />development on Pleasanton Ridge and the Southeast Hills. The <br />proposed redesignation would establish an area of large lot, low <br />- 7 - <br />