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Ms. Pat Randa representing Citizen's Land Alliance cautioned that <br />Livermore wanted to have this area zoned for grape growing only. <br />There are cattle ranchers there as well and if they want to build <br />a barn, they might not be able to. <br />Mr. Alan Winslow, 28 Castlewood Road, Pleasanton, stated he was a <br />member of the Residential Review Committee and he noted there was <br />a minority who wanted to include in the General Plan the <br />desirability of keeping the Ridgeland as Open Space. <br />There was a consensus to accept Proposal 1 which is to retain the <br />existing Planning Area boundary (minus Parcel #25 - R. C. <br />Johnson) and designate the Expanded Planning Area (an additional <br />20,000 acres) as a Study Zone with a maximum holding capacity of <br />4,000 housing units. The area west of Foothill Road within the <br />existing Planning Area also should be studied along with the <br />lands within the Expanded Planning Area. <br />Jobs and Housing <br />Mr. Alan Winslow felt that the idea of basing housing on the <br />needs of the entire Tri- Valley area is an excellent idea but he <br />cautioned that there has been little consideration given to the <br />cost to the City of building houses. He said we should look into <br />the cost to taxpayers of adding housing. <br />Ilene Weinreb, Bay Area Council, San Francisco, suggested that <br />Pleasanton allocate more housing in its General Plan. She stated <br />our actual employment is about 17,000 right now. Even 1000 units <br />would be a significant shortfall over a period of years. She <br />said we had best plan to handle the amount of housing we will <br />need for the amount of employment we are generating. <br />Christie Underwood, 5952 Corte Arboles, Pleasanton, stated she <br />has not studied any plan - she just lives here. She asked why we <br />are building all these houses. She said there's no way to get to <br />these houses and yet we continue to build. Can we take care of <br />those who live here first? <br />Mr. Joseph Rose, 421 Amador Court, Pleasanton, stated he has <br />lived here for thirty years and it was his pleasure to be on the <br />Residential Review Committee. He spoke about Parcels 7 and 8 <br />(SFWD). He strongly feels that this property should be used to <br />build a stadium or coliseum as there are a lot of sports minded <br />people in this community and in this valley. <br />Mr. Greg Powell, Limewood Court, Pleasanton, stated that our City <br />is becoming overcrowded - that is the direction it is going. He <br />asked if the people living here had been polled. <br />Mayor Brandes answered that recommendations were made by the <br />citizens committee and that the opportunity to serve on the <br />Residential Review Committee was open to the entire community. <br />- 5 - <br />r <br />