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t:oETtm2 ss2 t..trter i'~at-beri, ash::ed i'~'fr. Lee i T the ~l an i s to ta~:_e oL:t tl~e <br />smal.i cluster of -tomes arEd put the park-. there and in turn to put <br />hi~mes :,ai-ter-e ti;e ~ar-r-_ i e now. i-:e agreed tt--at i s ti-;e ~i ai-~. .;he <br />asi:ed i"lr--. Lee i ~€ ti-ti s woLzl ~ t,e also be tt-:e pro~ose~ sc>-~ooi site. <br />4~r--. Lee responcs`ed that i f at a ester date a school site i s added <br />it s~-aoL~ld be adjacent to the central loop. i-;e acded that tae <br />~a:-~=_ woL:i i~ he about ~ acres jai th another- ~ acres -for the sc~to>~I . <br />CoETtmi ssi orter- i-~o•,,~ g:_eest i o~ sect wt-tet;-:er- a possible sc{-to>>i 3a:-:Lei b be <br />l ocated near- ti-te freeway. ~'1r . Lee ez~i ill ai nzd that i f a school i s <br />2 ndeeo found to be necessary t :ifC-iLtl ~ not be i ocated near te}'ie <br />freeway or f-octthi 1 but i n the .enter of the site tct better <br />accommodate children. <br />Coiitmi ssi over- Tar ver =Esc-:ed 3 ~f . Lee to ac~~ress the issue of the <br />alignt:-iet~t i~f f=oott-tili f=;oas~ aroLCnrf tab©be F'ar~=_. !'.r. Lee said tt-te <br />F'ar his and 3~;ecreat i ors Comnti ssi on feel very strongly that i t wuLtl ti <br />be best tc: realign f=oothill ~:oad along the l~f~ aiigntTEent as <br />cip;.aosed to its e;istirtg alignmerit. l=1i ti: the aczditiorE o-f the <br />n;=i ghb;~rhood pare within the center of the Tt~lI parcel , tt-tat <br />;~aoul d pri~tvi de far the neighborhood par-=: needs for the residents <br />within the t;~acE sL~bdi vi s arts which w:oLil d di scoL;ra>~e Lase o-f i~dobe <br />~`ar Y . T~ re F'ar~s and F;ecreat i on Co~sEt-ri2 ss2 Jn t el t the proposed rtew <br />al ; grEE-~e~ :t L~-f f=;soth i I 1 goad woL:I d pL~t i t too c3 ctse to tt.e i~cobe <br />F°ar r for safety reasons. <br />Commi ssi ones Tarp. e-:- asp ec: ~~1r . Lee t,~ adr~ress tie i ssL~e oi= <br />laridscapirtC :~hic:-~ was ~ugRested by staff. ear. Lee respc~rtded <br />that can be discussed at the t='~1~ stage. <br />Commi ssi arter- i"ii chel otti asked Mr. Lee i -€ that wool u al st:, appl y <br />to the houses on ~cothi l : ~.oad regarding types of ma te~ri al used <br />-for 4-touses, sire of lots, and access roads, etc. sir. Lee agreed <br />that would also be di=_.cLissec3 a-t the ~'t-.!~? stage. <br />The public hearing was opened. <br />~3ac~_ ~iong of Fihmanson rJevelopments represented the application. <br />~-ie stated that he basically agrees wi tf t the cortdi ti ons of ti-~e <br />staf-€= report. !-ie said that he has t-:ad a iiLStTi'ber o-F meetings wit~"i <br />the nei g9-tbcri rich property i~:vners i n order- to receive thei r <br />input . tie thought the l ocati of i of t!-te rtei gborhood pars=. <br />r-ecommendec:F b,, the F'ar~::s Corrtcr~i ssi ort would ETEak:e i t c3i f ; 3 cLtl t for <br />access from ~ootl-ti l ? 1-`-.nol l s. ~e stated he did not feel i t was <br />the proiler time tct address the issue of bui i di ng towrthoL~ses for <br />rEoise mitigation tTteasLar es as cctntairted i.n Condition u. <br />Chaff rmar3 Li r:dsey ash-_ed :fir. #~ong where :soul d land be deli cater <br />for a possible sc eool . i"fr . I~ior~g responded that assutTti ng the <br />sChCJ C.Ji woLl E~ tieC OE-ne ~{ real 2 ty, the ~'t3 an woLkl~ i-Eave tC3 be <br />rearranged, but he -felt i t itaoul d probably be i n t~'ie l ot~p area <br />E~irectly across frocri the e;isting pare. <br />Cot~imi=_:sioner ~ahern ash-:ed t e sage of ti:e area discL:sseEd for a <br />sc2'iC:i7 ~ t'€r . ~o rtg thoughit i t to be about five acres. <br />F`age ~ <br />