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Cod-Cl-rii ssi oa~ier ~i~art: er as~~ed fir. bong .~t-aat are bis to mef r-asrae pi a:~s <br />for this propertj,^ after- the Specific ~'ian 3s approved. i"~r. +Jor:g <br />said ;~e t-Eopes to move at-aead as ycxi ci~l }~ as ttre Ci tsr :,tiff I I al ~ ow <br />t-s i ,-r€ t ~ . <br />Commissioner t'tichelotti as::ec# f'•'tr. Wcr€--g a~si:ether-- ti~ere are plar;s <br />to develop both parcel at this time. i-ie said at tide present <br />tiaTae Ti'1I is developing t;re large parcel and are .-sot~~ing on ti:e <br />srreal I er parcel wi tt~i sc;mecree ei se. Lil ti E7'satel y tie tress tt-Ee opta Gn <br />ors tt'Be sr€3~?Iler pa:-La~ . <br />Coa~irr:i ssi ones i"ii ciaei otti asi=:eci i`1r-. it?onE~ i f die rsotei ~ be i nter-estec~ <br />i n putti rg ~;p to:+snbo;_ases. 3"Er jions~ €•-esporE~e~ he :,€ozzi c~ rot be i n <br />fa~.or of that. <br />Lion ~;ol ph , representing Ti`1I , pointed out the pr oposed road <br />al igrEment of Foothi I I Road. He stated that the e..act al ignrraent <br />needs more study and wi I I come baE=~:: befo€•-e ti-eerrE at the i='ULa <br />stage. i-3e saY d that tt€e}f concur wi ttr staff ' s recomr-eendats or . <br />He Cddressed the 3 slues of the nei ghborhooc# park:; noise I e~iel5; <br />sour~d:,€ai I s; trai i s tis Focttti I I k:nol ? s and from bc3~11; deli cati c,r <br />o: lard ;.Er a-~B~r inter-ci-:ange. i-ie felt additional is€~dscaping <br />enhanced ti-re project. i-ie addr~-essed the issue of a possible <br />sct-:oo:: i rE ttre ac-ea, not i net tt-at the scho©I di stri et did nett <br />ret~~aest a schocii site ire that ocat i on which i s the r easor i t i s <br />newt in ti-ie plan. He said they met en€ith school district <br />offYCia~.s as to what k~Ynd of a sci-aool the', rr€zgi:t as3sh. It was <br />his s,€;derstanding that tare school distr-ic~t does rsrt :,€ant a <br />school or ti-Eat propen ty- <br />Chaff rrrian Li ntfsey as&_ed ~r . i'iol ph i f he had presentee; the same <br />comments regar ding location of the parr:: to the f='ar-~::s and <br />Recreation ~.oaTami ssi on. i~~r. i=:cti ph said he had toff ti them ttse sae~7e <br />tl-Einc~. <br />i=:ommi ssi e.srier i'iahern ash=_ec; i°1r- . of ph i f tt'ie si ~ e of ttre I ots <br />::€oe_[I d chan;~e i f tt-:e school was actual l ~ put i n. i'~'ir . Roes ph <br />replied trse,~ woisl d sti I I I i ~::e te=s retain the overal I de€-rsi try. <br />C:~mmi oner- Mi chel ott a asi•:ec€ Eshere the soundwal I would be <br />? orated i n rel ati or. to the par>::. c~tr. ~.ol ph said i t woi_i d be <br />placed al ang Fue~thi l I k..nol 3 s down along freeway f ronta€ge and <br />mad=:es a tier n at thE~ arr~:,yo. it is planned to be a conbination <br />of wall and b;=rrri. <br />Corruzti ssi oner i~'fi chel otti as3::ed i f the parF: :,€o~ai d be seen fr;~~-i tt€e <br />free say. iir. Rol ph said some of i t would be visible. <br />Commi ssi oner- ~Tarver ash::ed i'~'ir :;ol ph to address not se mitigation <br />i f tE~:e parr; was rep3 aced :,€i th homes wool u i t be an~r different <br />ttYan ti-:e i;ouses that ar-e czar-rentl~~ sho~sn ae~ainst the ft ee:,~ay. <br />h'ir . p;olpt-a stated that no homes are pltinned to baci:: up to tt-ae <br />f r;=easay. <br />F'ae;e ~, <br />