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// <br />~~rtl I t~~;clLf. <br />}~F,11 . N <br />4 ~_~. .~. ~.4 ~mrh - rtv <br />CALIroRNI:\ SrArt;WIDE CoIMIMUNrrIES DEVE1.oProlENr Au"rHOlzrrv <br />IIOSI'I"fAl. 121?V ENUE AND REI'IINDINC 130ND5, SERIES 2oo7A&I3 <br />(V:1LLEYC.ARE HEALTH SYSTEM) <br />Attachments for Authority Application <br />( unsrntrunn of the \Irdir al Plata and Ihr I Irallh and 1\rilnns Cenlrr i++riredukd w hr rnmplfted <br />in Ihr• Spring nl 21M13. Callalun I'nryrm (mnpam i"CP(~-1. a n•al ntmr drsrkrpntrrn firm hradyuaru•rr•ri in <br />I'Irasaninn. gill ronsauU bulb Ihr NrAic al YIJn :uul Ihr Ilralrh anA l\fllnrts Cemer on land leased hum Ihr <br />Corporation fiv a Iran of ;ii sfan. l P( Hill linam r Ihr 1 unvnu lion Ihnmgh a nnnmercial numgagf of appwxinutriv <br />S2i million, urxlrr \shith the Ifnder \sill Ix• granu•d a wuua w\ utiR inrrn•+I m Ihr k•awhold interest un uvu of the Ihmc <br />paxrh n( rhr Lisrrmore Camlms ('P( still Irasr rhr amhulaurn ram wing of Ihr \trdiral Piaza amt all of Ihr I{eahh <br />and \4ellnf+s Ct•nrfr ur the (orporatiun, this Iran will hacf an inival Iran of 20 wean with three ern xrar rzu•nsion <br />options and one fief Pear rxH•nsiun ulx knl. Plrvsir iau+ in du• rav sing of Ihr \lydiral flan oils lrau• thfir +lurr <br />direrth~ from U'C :\pproximau•Ir S!1 millirm of Imam imprm rmenn utd eyuipntem will Ix• financed with procefds of <br />a lax exfmpr rapilal'vrd Ifasr. Proceeds of the 2002 Roods will rr01 tx• used Io finarue the ronslrurlion. <br />Jrvelopmem or equipping o(Ihe 1lfedical Plaza or the I Iealih and lS'rliness Cearrr. <br />Rerem Corpxarr Reorganization <br />I'rinr m )urn•lU. 21MN1. lailrsl ate lluspiral (ugnxatiun. a (~aG(ornia nonprofit pubBr bfnrfil <br />ruryuralion a17Jiared with Ihr Cugnxariun. uw nrd \alirs( art Vcdk al Crmrr arxl Ifased it m Ihr l:orpuralwn. l~.llivtin• <br />Jmx•:i0. 2WU. Ihl• 4altcvCarr 1 hnpiwl (ugxtratiun Ilamlfnfll dll Uf 111 JSwl1. II1tIUding \dll(•x'(~drf Slfdl(al fPtller. Ill Ihr <br />Coryulalam and Ihf CurFwrarkm a»unnvl all of m lul>ililir+ anti ubligatirms. irxluding rMrw obligatkms u( Vallcsi~arr <br />i (ospilal Crxlwrarion rckatrd W tlr Gdlnwing Iwnd ixur+. I11 die (~ih(omia Heahh Fx~ililies financing :\ulluxin IntumA <br />I[eahh F:uilir its Refunding Hr\r~~r 14nuh I\allrsCan• Ilu>pilal Corlwralkm) Sivir+ 19'JI IdW "1997 Rnndti ). and QI Ihr <br />Cahfrxnia I lrahh faciliiir+ hirwru~ing \mhurih Inwmd I leahh fatililir+ Hrsenuf l;.nnh 1\ aliraCarr I lospilal (orpuratknll <br />Series 1992 ItM•'1992 Rands-1. Srr "Si( I.HIII' fUH I I1L 21N12 liO\DS (hnslarxling Parity Uelu alxl \dditional <br />I'adn IkbY~ in this UlTxial Sratrnu•m <br />Rrlatrd Panics <br />fhr Corpnratflm r rrUled ul Ihr lidluwing organvJiiun. Hunt of which is ubligalyd to make IMrmrnn <br />umlrr rhr loan 4grermenl ur widt rrsix•rl m Pawls I)ehl <br />\'aiky `temorial 1(ospital FoundalNrn Uhr "huundatiun-I. Ihr fuundmem is a (a!ifonria nonprofit <br />puhkc benflit rugwralkm. Ihr wk rurlxuale nx•ndx•r u(which n 16P,(orlxxarion. Thr Fuurtdatkm was fanned w >tairit. <br />nWinlain anA ttiunburr rharirahk dunatiom lur rhr Ix•orla of dtf (ugxaravon. <br />YMasarnou Physicians :\lfiliaa•s 11 I-1'I'4 II~T. PI' \ II i+a (ali(rxnia Gmin•ri 1>annenhip o(which Ihr <br />C rxlwrarmo it a 31.a'S• liuiu•d pariru•r PP\ II unm J nn•diral ulfu~r huikling un the Pk•asanlon (amprn in which Ihr <br />C nrlwratBm h•aae spare. <br />\'alleyCare Senior Housing, Inc I'\(.SII-). l~he Cirs of•rnwrr asked the (ugwralkm m assist it <br />drvrioping a wuxx cart farilin. The Cognxalion limned \ (SI I. n nonpmfil cogwrzlion. to mren r a grant of S2.i millum <br />m arquN• front Ihr Rfriecelupnlrm \ga•ruti of the (its ui I isrmwn• a 111.3 acre parcel u( land on which a Congrrgatr <br />( art '\UItIIYi I nmg and a I)rmrnlia Skilled Vurvng Fanlin wnukl br rornrmr7P.l. Thr farilits will have alwW 2ii1 <br />rrvdential mars sdh IINI W Ix• vI asulr hu kns imm~n• u•niun and ?X won in the drnwntia'skilled mining unit. \CSIt <br />wiA Ir-aw the pmprrn nl 1 n rrnwrr Srmux I inn+ing hwx tarts I LC whir h will drvehq> arnl nlreraw Ihr +enwx r are larilin <br />TM• Iran of rhr kaw is 3i Gran and du• annual kaw I>JSmenn lu \TSIi sill br S230lNIR. Thr wnior rare farilin' a~ill Ix• <br />financttt wnh ixrx nets of lax exrnyv bonds w Irr issued In die Hrdrs rlopnavu :\gexr ul dte (in of Lin•rmwf. TM~ <br />Cugwralxm will not linam r Ihr I unslnu rinn nl dm farilin rwr \rdl II hr nbhgaud to lm principal nr imrrru un thr• Irnnds <br />issued In finamr the I ousrmr lion of die wninr rare farilin Praefrts of the 2D02 Bonds will nor he used rn finance the <br />ratswrlion. developntrm ur equipping o(dre senior cam farilin <br />Pacific Fleahh !'are. Gtr I' 1'l l( '! PI I( is a 1 .dilamia nunpruGr nuuual Ix~ncfil rogwratiun uhow <br />nu•mbrrs art rhr Cogwralion end rM• Pat Ihr I II'.Ihh (Jn• \Ir<IIraI (.I UIIIL Ifx I'1IC was nriginalh (On11P11 d1 J pct\lh tan <br />hlnpilJl organization m pnselr admini+l ra;isr whirrs hx rhr Imputation ,utA Ihr Parifu~ Heahh (am \Irrliral (,ruup. by <br />in hU(}ning Ilrlmald) capitation run!rat lint; .manurnlrnn fiu• (prix xamm rrnuinalyd all nl its inparirnr rapilarinn <br />Raymond James & .Associates, Inc. <br />Member Ness York tiurck I~+changr/SIPC <br />151114' N'ashm_ton. Suns NIGiO. ('hlcugo-II. ((Ifibl <br />313 613 7ft0(1 ~ scsvw Havmm~dJamcs awn <br />