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HE;a~ _ N <br />Vie;.: t.~•t. <br />C':U,Ib'ORNL\ STATEWIDE CO~II\Il NITIE:S UE~•ELOPi\1ENT A11T110RITl" <br />HOSPI"1'~L RE\'F,NI~E ANU -2EEtINDING 13oNDti, SERIES 2007A&B <br />(VALLEYCARE HEAI,"fll Sti'S'1'E;M) <br />Attachments for Authority Application <br />Appendix Q: Detailed Applicant History <br />The Hospital (.ontmittcc fo! the Livtrmore-Plrasamon ~Uras. a California mnpmfu pubOr Ix~rufit <br />roryuntiun. doing business as ValMytiare lirahh Svstem (tire 'C.orpnrarion ~), oscns and oprntes Mahh facildirs bratrd on <br />too rampusrs. one in Pleasanton. Ca6frxnia Ohe "Pleasanton Canryuri 1 and rhr dher in I ivemare. Ca8(ornia phr <br />"f ivemare Campus"I. Va0rlCam Alcdical Center is haled on rhr 2R acct Plrasamon Campus and 1 allrv Memorial <br />I lospital n brand nn the 13.2-acre IJvermore Campus. VaOeyCarr \b7liral Center amt \alMc 1lrnarial I Irxlatal an• <br />rrfrrrtd us Iwrein as the "Hospinlx' <br />Pleasanton Campus. 1'aksCare Medical Crntrr shah nlwned in Ikcember 199E romisn n( <br />appmxinsately I I-0.IXNI wluare feet u( span and provides a comprehrmicr range ul medical scut surgical inpariem acme <br />unrre. which inrhde an outpatient urrgiral cemer. a dtagrruwic inrgirw rrmrr including rompwervrd tonusgrapln <br />magnetic rewrrance imaging and a xomr•n's cemer brwruragnphsl. ranlix rare. emrrgrrrry room. intrmisr cart <br />olelrrrirs, perlutrks and oprnlmg and reroven rooms. The cunem 6rrmr•ri rapacity o(97 acute care beds (all of ehirh are <br />vaffrdl inrludrs IS perinanl 7 imemur rare. S coronary care, y Ix•diatrir. J imensice ram mrnrn amt 62 unsltn~ibrcl <br />general acwe rarr beds. The Coryontion afw rents 2.000 square feel of ,Iwrr in Yalks{'are Medical Crntrr m Tn \ a8s•y <br />Umoing~. a c omprchensisr cancer cemer. <br />Conswrtion Project on the Pkasarrlan Campus. \ prxlimr of rhr prnreM, of the Yo112 Iknuf, ss ill <br />Ix• uxd w fiwnce the rrawrurt9rn aril eyuipping of a three fkar path•nt nrurr kxanvl adjaccm to Ihr e.riwirw 1a11ryCarr <br />\ledkal ('rnrrr holding to provide spare fur additional inpatirnl acute t arr Ix~ds and to expand xatr rarr srrvires on the <br />Ple•asanum Campus. fhr first phax ut conwrurtion mf the Ihree Ilurrr wxer hrgan in kpterulx•r 1998 and xas nrmpMtrrl <br />6t July 't(1[p. During this firs) phase, the w•cond Door of the toxrr ss as r umplrtrb 6nithed and ryuipped for 3l1 ar we Carr <br />treds (increasing the number of acute care lxds at the Pleasamon ('auyns Innn W w 97). and the tint and third fkan ssrrr <br />sheprrl in for future devebpnrnt. "ihr wv-rmd phase of consrrw Lion Ix•gan in :lugust 2(NII and is xhrdulrrl m Ix• <br />rompMred in Juh~ 2UD3. Uuring this w.und phaw. the thin) clear wi0 br finishnl and rill include 3D additional inlrariem <br />acme Carr txdti.:\ moduUr building rill hr romwcted next to the nrsc weer to provide additimnal space fur the rxpanwon <br />of carious am'r1Un senires needed In support the increased acute rarr arricin The failtling ssi8 be connected ro dre tint <br />that of the nrsc court. Sparc in rhr original VaVes'Care Medical Crntrr building xill fx• rerwvalyd In arcomnuxlalr the <br />addnion nl 10 ICU.'000 beds, the ezpansam of the existing kiu hen and dirnn unites area and the upgrading n( <br />oprra[ing mum areas. Unre rumpkrrxl. the nos mwrr xJl add approxin~teb i3.f8f0 syturr fret of spare to rhr I'kasanum <br />Campo, amt xi0 increase the (oral available acme rare bed rapacity from 97 w 137. <br />Livmnom Campus. L'alk} >lemorial Hospinl. «hich olceruxl at in present site m 196E cunshn of <br />approxrrnately 125.000 square feet of spare and indudei 30 ski0rd nuning and 14 geriatric psyr hiatric Inds. ~\Jdirbnal <br />union provided at \"alley \lrmurial Hmpkal incWde urgent rarr lalaraton. ixcupationaf health. dugnuvir imaging <br />(uhrawmnd- mamurography. bone densitonretn'. upeo-air MRI and Ilunmuupvl and ndH>logc writers. <br />Cmrstruction Projects on the Livermore Campus. 1 wu rtrw buildings will br rnnstmc uvl un land <br />braleA adjar rm to the from parking lo( nn the Livermore Campus. 1 hr tint building xi11 !x• a riot-won• >kdeal Ylaza <br />rnmuring of fi6.fKKl square feet of spare, and xi0 include an ambulau+n wrgrn. imaging and ur(,rem rarr remer wing <br />and a wing (or physician office. Unce ronsvurtion of the Medical Plata is rnngdetrd. rhr Corporation xill must the <br />urgrm rarr. diagnostic' imaging and radiology' and labonlory Servirn from rhr \allry Mrmurtal Hospital building into <br />the \(vdiral Plaza. The second building will be a frresnnding tea wan GtitNlll wptare bat Health and 1lrlbsns Center <br />deigned m prnnmtr rommunin x~ellnrs thrrwgh services such as mrvlie'ally Iwwd fiux•ss, rarAia< and pulmonary <br />rehabilitation. strength and cardiac maimng. physical and spurn mrdirine. stater thrrapin and a dac spa lpon <br />complrtan of the Ilralth and 11'ellness Center. rhr Corpoation sill aunt orrupational and physical thrraps stn errs <br />from rhr \Sllev Slrmorial fruspital building imo the llealth and 1\rllness Crmrr. In addition m (hen nut neu <br />buildings, a puninn of Ihr rxiuing \a8ry Memorial Hospinl building xill be rrnusan•d scut runvrnrd In an <br />administnticr and mP1an senices building <br />Raymond James & Associates, Inc. <br />Mrmhcr Neu Yurk Suxl. L~dtuneeltill'C <br />~Srl N' Washme[oa Sunc it I65t1- C'hicago_ I L 6(1661 <br />i l _' OGJRUU • „w,c Rus nurnd)umcs cum <br />