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!f <br />}~Ji-;11 . H <br />y • _ ~ c. iM1~ti.:. ..:t_ <br />~~AI,IFORNI:1 S'f:1"1'E~1IDE C0;11,191!NITlES DE~'ELOP~1ENT AU"1'HORII'l' <br />HOSPITAL REVENUE; .AND REFUNDING BONDS, SF,RIES 2OO7A&B <br />(V ~LI,EYCARE HEAI:fH StS'fEM) <br />Attachments for Authority Appl}cation <br />romrans in Derrmber 20aa aril all of its ourpatiem capitation arrangrmrnn in Lkcemher ?OQI. I'HC craved vperalxnu in <br />Urcrmbrr 2001 and is currently in a xind dunrr mode. <br />NICU Operating Company of Pleasanton. LLC. Ibis juirn venutrr xill tar a California 4mited <br />liabilin~ rompanc with the Corporation having a a0`x, interest and the Lw illr tiilu•r Packanl ChBdreri s Huspirol al Slanfrxri <br />O.SI'(:I1) having a fi0efi int[resr. The Corporation anticipates Ihal this prior rrmure rrjll begin operatirtR in Juror 2W2. "Ilu• <br />initial reran of the p>inl vrmum w01 be (or ten years, with two autouutir lin• rear rxrensions unless dhrrrix u•munalcd- <br />ISPCII has the option at year one and hen m Irrrrrvrale the agrernK•ni. Thr imem of the jam eenmrr iv u> rcryWn <br />pcdiarrir vrnx cs. exparnl ~ICL urvices and to assure the availability of Ixdia;rir scnx~t•s. <br />Appendix C: Description of Project or each facility to be refinanced <br />"ihe Series 2007 A&B Bonds will be used to current refund the outstanding Cal-Mortgage Insured Series <br />1992A, 1993A, and ! 997A Bonds, to advance refund the outstanding Cal-Mortgage Insured Series 2002 <br />Bonds and to issue $20 million of taxable new money. The taxable new money will be used for the <br />following two purposes: I) $13 million to terminate the Health System's Deferred Pension Plan and 2) $10 <br />million for 3 years of working capital. <br />Appendix D: Comprehensive Summary of Project Public Benefit <br />Most Recent Community Benefit Report attached. <br />Appendix E: Address of Each Facility to Be Ketinanced <br />The refinancing will affect three of the Va1leyCare Health System facilities: <br />I) 5555 W. Las Positas Bivd. <br />Pleasanton, CA 94588-4000 <br />2) 1111 E. Stanley Boulevard <br />Livermore, CA 94550 <br />3) 5725 W. Las Positas Blvd. <br />Pleasanton, CA 94588-4000 <br />rppendix F: Evidence of credit enhancement or intent to pnrchase bonds <br />Signed proposal letter between Va1leyCare Health System, Raymond James & Associates and GE Capital <br />attached. <br />Appendix G: List of Outstanding Tax-Exempt Debt <br />1992 Series A Insured Revenue Bonds <br />California Health Facilities Financing Authority <br />Original Par: $8,500,000 <br />Outstanding Par: $3,885,000 <br />Raymond James & Associates, Inc. <br />Memher New York Stuck lischanee/SII'C <br />i 501V W:ahitt,Inn,Smlcklbill, ('h,cr~o-11 60661 <br />ill bl^_73011 •trow Rat mood lames arm <br />