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Pimlico Drive Turnout and Pipeline Project Environmental Checklist <br />impervious surfaces in the area, and no substantial loss of groundwater recharge potential <br />will occur. <br />Groundwater levels in the project area were encountered during exploratory borings <br />along the pipeline alignment at depths as shallow as 5 feet below ground surface to 15 <br />feet below ground surface (DCM Engineering 2005). The geotechnical engineering <br />investigation report For the project (DCM Engineering 2005) indicates that the <br />groundwater levels along the project alignment should be expected to fluctuate based on <br />factors such as seasonal rainfall, flow in nearby drainages, nearby construction <br />operations, proximity to existing utility trenches containing porous granular backfill, and <br />leaks in underground utilities. Based upon the results of the borings, the geotechnical <br />investigation (DCM Engineering 2005) concluded that groundwater may be encountered <br />during excavations for the project, including the pipeline. If groundwater is encountered <br />during excavations, dewatering activities will follow the City of Pleasanton Standard <br />Specifrcations and Details (2002) as discussed in the Project Description. All <br />groundwater removed from excavations will be desilted prior to discharge into the storm <br />drain system through filtering materials and methods meeting the Association of Bay <br />Area Governments Standard for Erosion & Sedimentation Control Measures and/or <br />through methods and procedures described in the California Storm Water Best <br />Management Practice Handbook-Construction Activity. Therefore, impacts to <br />groundwater would be less than significant. <br />c, d) Less than Significant. The project facilities will not substantially alter the existing <br />drainage patterns within the construction area or adjacent areas. "I'he pipeline will be <br />buried under Pimlico and Brockton drives, and the trenches will he repaved to <br />preconstntction conditions and no changes to the existing drainage patterns or increase in <br />impervious surfaces will occur. Construction of the fluoridation building, Zone 7 <br />turnout, City of Pleasanton vault and Santa Rita control valve vault will result in <br />approximately 2,450 square feet or 0.06 acre of increased impervious surfaces in an <br />already built out urban area and will not substantially alter existing drainage patterns in <br />the area. This small increase in relation to the urbanized project area will not change <br />storm water infiltration rates from that addressed in the City of Pleasanton 1996 General <br />Plan Update (City of Pleasanton 1996) or the Environmental Impact Report for the 1996 <br />General Plan Update (Mundie and Associates). Further, the small increase will not <br />substantially change the amount of impervious surface coverage in this urban built out <br />area, nor increase or contribute runoff water that would exceed the capacity of the <br />existing or planned storm water drainage system. No additional storm drain capacity is <br />needed for the project. <br />g, 11) No Impact. The project is not within the 100-year flood hazard area of the City of <br />Pleasanton (City of Pleasanton 1996 General Plan Update EIR 1996). The project does <br />not involve placing housing within a 100-year flood hazard area. <br />i) No Impact. The project does not involve constntction of a levee or dam and would not <br />place people or structures at significant risk of loss injury or death related to flooding. <br />Therefore, this would be no impact. <br />City of Pleasanton 37 Winzler & Kelly <br />Draft Initial Study/Proposed Negative Declaration August 2006 <br />1)4263 501 <br />