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<br />· Second, implementing this condition means delaying the approval of the tenant's <br />business license, thereby delaying the tenant's business-start. <br /> <br />The City Council may wish to discuss this requirement. Staff has not included it as a <br />condition of approval. <br /> <br />Comparison of Home Depot's Trip Generation Rates to Other Land Uses <br />Table 7 on page 27 of the Planning Commission staff report (Attachment 11) compares <br />the trip generation rates for Home Deport to other commercial uses, including grocery <br />stores, from the City's Base Line Traffic Report. These are ranked highest to lowest for <br />the p.m. rate, the critical period for the Stanley BoulevardNalley Avenue/Bernal Avenue <br />intersection. Home Depot's trip generation rate for the critical p.m. peak hour is lower <br />than the trip generation rate for a grocery store or for the automotive uses already <br />located in the Stanley Business Park westerly of Bernal Avenue. <br /> <br />Home Depot's Johnson Drive Store <br />At its work session, the Planning Commission requested staff to consider the traffic <br />impacts to the proposed Home Depot if the existing Home Depot on Johnson Drive <br />were closed. Attached is the Letter from Greg George, Real Estate Manager for Home <br />Depot on this question. As stated in Mr. George's letter, if the Johnson Drive store <br />closes, an estimated 465 additional trips per weekday and 776 trips per weekend would <br />then travel to the proposed Home Depot. However, according to Mr. George, the <br />Johnson Drive store has nine years remaining on its lease; closing that store would <br />leave a large portion of Home Depot's market share to competitors. However, should <br />the Johnson Drive store close, some of those customers would use other building <br />supply/hardware stores including the Lowe's planned for Dublin near the Dublin <br />BoulevardlTassajara Road intersection. <br /> <br />Summary of Traffic Mitiqations <br />The following traffic mitigation measures and features are proposed: <br /> <br />· The applicant will modify the existing eastbound right-turn lane on Stanley <br />Boulevard to an eastbound through lane, continue the through-lane across the <br />project's frontage, and re-construct the northbound free right turn lane on Bernal <br />Avenue. As conditioned, project occupancy may not occur until the eastbound <br />and northbound improvements are complete and accepted by the City. <br /> <br />· The applicant will install a traffic signal at the Bernal Avenue/Utah Street <br />intersection. <br /> <br />· For the remaining impacted intersections, the applicant will pay City traffic <br />mitigation fees and Tri-Valley Transportation Council fees - estimated to be <br />approximately $2,000,000 - to construct improvements at these intersections. <br />As conditioned, the total fees will be paid with issuance of the first building <br />permit. <br /> <br />Page 13 of 21 <br />