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<br />Proiect Access <br />Two points of access will be provided to the site from Bernal Avenue: <br /> <br />· A signalized driveway providing left-/right-turn access from/to Bernal Avenue will <br />be located opposite Utah Street. <br /> <br />· A right-turn only driveway to Bernal Avenue will be located midway between Utah <br />Street and Nevada Court. <br /> <br />Two points of access will be provided to the site from Stanley Boulevard: <br /> <br />· Right-turn ingress/egress only to/from Stanley Boulevard will be located midway <br />between Bernal Avenue and the easternmost property line. <br /> <br />· Right-turn ingress/egress and left-turn only ingress from Stanley Boulevard into <br />the site will be provided at the easternmost project driveway. The left-turn from <br />Stanley Boulevard will require a median island opening. <br /> <br />As requested by the Congregation Beth Emek and conditioned with this development, <br />there shall be no public street or emergency vehicle access allowed to the site from <br />Nevada Court. <br /> <br />All access driveways and internal circulation areas are designed to City standards. The <br />proposed development's on-site circulation plan including the locations of drive-through <br />lanes will provide adequate stacking space for their use. <br /> <br />Parkinq <br />The overall parking ratio will be one parking space per 276 square feet of floor area for <br />a total of 702 parking spaces, creating a surplus of 57 parking spaces. Only 70 parking <br />spaces - 10% of proposed parking - will be compact-size parking spaces. Hence, the <br />parking area of this development is designed for full-size vehicles, the type of vehicles <br />typically parked at a home improvement center. <br /> <br />The Planning Commission conditioned its recommendation to require a parking analysis <br />with each business license application for a parking intensive business, <br />e.g., restaurants, doctors/dentists, etc. Implementing this requirement means having <br />such tenants retain a parking consultant to access the tenant's parking demand against <br />the development's parking supply. However, staff does not concur with the <br />Commission's recommendation for the following reasons: <br /> <br />. First, staff believes that there would be adequate parking for the permitted uses <br />proposed by this development. Parking demands for a multi-tenant commercial <br />development overlap - for example, a customer to the Home Depot or to a <br />satellite tenant may then patronize the development's restaurant or another <br />business or businesses. This concept reflects the analysis in the traffic study, <br />which factored the internal capture of trips by this development. <br /> <br />Page 12 of 21 <br />