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15. Page 10-22, what about separation on EI Charro Road between Livermore and <br />Pleasanton??? <br />[JIJWith the planned development of the Staples Ranch area and development on the <br />Livermore side of EI Charro Road, it is not anticipated that a significant community <br />separator will remain in this location. This is consistent with the Stoneridge Drive <br />Specif c Plan which did not designate any "greenbelt " or community separator <br />adjacent to 1-580. Policy 10 addresses the Chain of Lakes area and Stanley <br />Boulevard since it is more likely that a community separator can be maintained in <br />these areas. <br />16. What about better landscaping and maintenance at the Foothill exit off I-580? We talk <br />about the unsightliness. <br />[JIJUnder Policy 9, the following program could be added: "Program 9.6: Explore <br />public/private partnerships to clean up and improve the appearance of freewav <br />on/offramps at Foothill Road and I-580 and other locations as needed. " <br />17. What about annexing the Chain of Lakes into Pleasanton??? <br />[JIJ The future Speciftc Plan for East Pleasanton will take a comprehensive look at <br />the desirable City limit line and Urban Growth Boundary in this location. <br />Expanding the City limit line to include planned urban development in this area <br />would be desirable, but it may not be desirable to include the Chain of Lakes within <br />the Ciry limits. Zone 7 Water Agency's adopted Stream Master Management Plan <br />sees the Chain of Lakes used for flood management and water recharge, with <br />potential recreational uses, enhanced bird and animal habitat, and trails. These <br />uses are generally consistent with Pleasanton's goals for the area and since no <br />significant development of the lake area is anticipated, incorporation may not be <br />needed or desirable. <br />18. Work with Zone 7 and DSRSD to maintain landscaping azound their regional facilities??? <br />[JIJ Regarding Zone 7 Water Agency maintenance of landscaping, please note <br />Programs 7.2 and 7.3 to promote arroyo cleanup and improve landscaping, <br />respectively. Regarding DSRSD, under Policy 11, the following program could be <br />added: "Program 11.10.• Encouraee the Dublin San Ramon Services District to <br />improve and maintain screening and landscaping surroundine its regional facilities <br />along streets and near freeways. " <br />19. Page 10-25 under program 17.3, encourage the inclusion of shade structures as we get <br />ten•ibly hot in the summer. <br />[JIJ Staff recommends that the bullet under this program be amended to: "Outdoor <br />seating and shade structures" <br />20. What about public water fountains? <br />[JIJ Staff recommends that drinking fountains also be added to Program 17.3. <br />21. Page 10-27 should we be discussing the addition of staging areas with adequate parking <br />and picnic azeas for Open Space projects? <br />[JIJ That concept should be addressed in the Draft Conservation and Open Space <br />Element. Program 11.3 in that Element discusses public accessibility. Staff <br />recommends that an additional program is added to state: "Provide adequate <br />parking and staging areas for open space access and include facilities such as picnic <br />areas. restrooms and water. " <br />22. Page 10-28, Public Art, as we amass additional public art that hangs in an individual <br />building, we should have a yearly event that brings public art together for the public to see <br />all at once. They may never visit the building where the art is because they don't know it <br />is there? <br />