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[JIJ Again, that subject is covered in the Draft Conservation and Open Space <br />Element (Goa16). <br />31. Page 10-21, on the arroyos and canal, increase the usability of the trails along these <br />entities for bike and pedestrian uses??? <br />[JIJ The Goal addresses the appearance and usability of the arroyos and canals. <br />This Community Character Element focuses on the visual aspects of the canals <br />and arroyos; the trail aspects are dealt with in the Conservation and Open Space <br />and Circulation Elements. <br />32. Page 10-22, I thought we had decided no monument signage at entry ways as a waste of <br />money. What type of signage is being requested here? <br />[JIJ As explained in the Agenda Report for this item, the Planning Commission <br />was made aware of the City Council 's decision not to install City identification <br />signs. However, the Planning Commission wished to express its support for such <br />signs. <br />33. With entry ways to the city from freeways, how much of the appearance is on the dime <br />of Cal Trans? <br />[JIJ CalTrans is responsible for landscaping and maintenance of all areas within <br />the freeway right of way, which would include all interchanges, except for the <br />Hacienda Drive ramps to I-580. The North Pleasanton Improvement District <br />funds landscaping and maintenance of the Hacienda Drive ramps. <br />34. Page 10-22, what about separation on El Charro Road between Livermore and <br />Pleasanton??? <br />[JIJ With the planned development of the Staples Ranch area and development on <br />the Livermore side of EZ Charro Road, it is not anticipated that a significant <br />community separator will remain in this location. This is consistent with the <br />Stoneridge Drive Specific Plan which did not designate any "greenbelt" or <br />community separator adjacent to I-S80. Policy 10 addresses the Chain of Lakes <br />area and Stanley Boulevard since it is more likely that a community separator can <br />be maintained in these areas. <br />35. What about better landscaping and maintenance at the Foothill exit off I-580? We talk <br />about the unsightliness. <br />[JIJ Under Policy 9, the following program could be added: "Program 9.6: <br />Explore public/private partnerships to clean up and improve the appearance of <br />. reeway on/o ramps at Foothill Road and I-S80 and other locations as needed. " <br />36. What about annexing the Chain of Lakes into Pleasanton??? <br />[JIJ The future Specific Plan for East Pleasanton will take a comprehensive look <br />at the desirable City limit line and Urban Growth Boundary in this location. <br />Expanding the City limit line to include planned urban development in this area <br />would be desirable, but it may not be desirable to include the Chain of Lakes <br />within the City limits. Zone 7 Water Agency's adopted Stream Master <br />Management Plan sees the Chain of Lakes used for flood management and water <br />recharge, with potential recreational uses, enhanced bird and animal habitat, and <br />trails. These uses are generally consistent with Pleasanton's goals for the area <br />and since no significant development of the lake area is anticipated, <br />incorporation may not be needed or desirable. <br />37. Work with Zone 7 and DSRSD to maintain landscaping around their regional <br />facilities??? <br />[JIJ Regarding Zone 7 Water Agency maintenance of landscaping, please note <br />Programs 7.2 and 7.3 to promote arroyo cleanup and improve landscaping, <br />