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<br />· Home fronts facing the street, instead of walls abutting streets <br />· Minimal garage presence <br />· Narrower streets <br />· Pathways to parks, schools, and other neighborhoods <br />· Neighborhoods open and accessible to one another <br /> <br />Program 19.2: In high-density developments, encourage design treatments that enhance <br />the attractiveness of the streetscape and other publicly accessible areas through <br />architectural detail, neighborhood and public gathering areas, gardens, and public art. <br /> <br />Program 19 .3: Work with PG&E to underground power lines in existing residential <br />neighborhoods, when the opportunity arises. <br /> <br />Program 19.4: In older neighborhoods, schedule the maintenance and replacement of <br />public improvements, such as pavement and streetlights, commensurate in quality and <br />appearance to those in more recently constructed neighborhoods. <br /> <br />Program 19.5: Consider a City-sponsored street tree replacement program 111 <br />neighborhoods where street trees have died, been removed, or substantially damaged. <br /> <br />Program 19.6: Sponsor an Annual Yard and Vacant Lot Clean-Up Day. <br /> <br />Program 19.7: Establish an annual awards program to recogruze individual and <br />neighborhood efforts in improving home and yard appearance. <br /> <br />Program 19.8: Adopt a City street tree ordinance to protect existing and future street trees <br />that are maintained by property owners, and establish planting, care, and pruning <br />standards. <br /> <br />Policy 20: Evaluate land-use changes in the context of overall City welfare and goals, as well as the <br /> <br />desires of the surrounding neighborhoods. <br /> <br />Program 20.1: When evaluating development proposals or changes in land use consider <br />General Plan and Specific Plan policies, Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance standards, <br />existing land uses, environmental impacts, safety, and resident, merchant and property <br />owner concerns. <br /> <br />Program 20.2: Require appropriate buffers, edges, and transition areas between dissimilar <br />land uses and neighborhoods. <br /> <br />Program 20.3: 1brough the City's review process, address issues of privacy, proximity and <br /> <br />orientation. <br /> <br />Open Space <br /> <br />Goal 7: <br /> <br />Preserve the open space character at the edges of the city. <br /> <br />Community Character 011607 clean <br /> <br />10-20 <br /> <br />1/3/2007 <br />