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<br />Policy 21: Require that design of new residential development in hillside areas complement the <br />natural appearance of the open space. <br /> <br />Program 21.1: Adopt hillside design standards. <br /> <br />Policy 22: Preserve scenic hillside and ridge views, and other natural features in the hills. <br /> <br />Program 22.1: Continue to support the Pleasanton Ridgelands Initiative of 1993 (Measure F). <br /> <br />Program 22.2: In new developments, preserve scenic hillsides and other hillside features <br /> <br />including ridges, plants, streams, and wildlife. <br /> <br />Program 22.3: Discourage grading on slopes of 25 percent or greater. <br /> <br />Public Art <br /> <br />Goal 8: <br /> <br />Encourage the installation of art to enhance Pleasanton's character. <br /> <br />Policy 23: Pursue the installation of public art. <br /> <br />Program 23.1: Adopt a Downtown Arts Master Plan to enhance the Downtown character <br />and to encourage the public to visit the Downtown. <br /> <br />Program 23.3: Institute an Arts Master Plan for the entire city which identifies where <br />opportunities for temporary and permanent public art exist, preferred themes, and <br />preferred media. <br /> <br />Policy 24: Encourage the installation of public art in residential and commercial developments. <br /> <br />Program 24.1: In new developments, encourage project applicants to work with the City's <br />Planning Department and Civic Arts Commission on the installation of art visible from <br />public rights-of-way. <br /> <br />Community Activities <br /> <br />Goal 9: <br /> <br />Preserve and support community and family activities. <br /> <br />Policy 25: Promote facilities and activities that accommodate community and family use and <br />accommodate persons of all physical abilities. <br /> <br />Program 25.1: Provide opportunities for people to gather as a community while limiting <br />the impacts of street closures on local commerce. <br /> <br />Program 25.2: Encourage commercial, recreational, social, and cultural events and uses <br />which are enriching to family and community life. <br /> <br />Community Character 011607 clean <br /> <br />10-21 <br /> <br />1/3/'2fi<j7 <br />