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section 4. special Pay <br />4.1 overtime - Middle Management Employees. Middle management <br />employees as specified in Appendix D may be eligible for <br />overtime compensation under special circumstances approved by <br />the city manager. Said overtime shall be compensated at a <br />rate equal to one and one-half (1-1/2) times the employee's <br />regular rate of pay calculated to the nearest one-tenth (1/10) <br />of an hour. <br />Overtime - Confidential Employees. Confidential employees who <br />are required to work after completion of their work day shall <br />be entitled to overtime compensation for alI hours so worked, <br />provided, however, that the overtime rate shall be computed at <br />one and one-half (1-1/2) times the employee's regular rate of <br />pay as calculated to the nearest one-tenth (1/10) of an hour. <br />Confidential employees may be compensated for overtime worked <br />either by monetary payment or by compensatory time off, at the <br />option of the employee. Compensatory time shall accrue at the <br />rate of one and one-half (1-1/2) times the overtime hours <br />worked. Compensatory time off which accrues in excess of <br />forty (40) hours must be liquidated by monetary payment. All <br />monetary payments for overtime must be paid not later than the <br />next biweekly payroll following the pay period in which the <br />overtime was worked. Utilization of compensatory time off <br />shall be by mutual agreement between the department head and <br />the employee. Upon termination, the employee shall be paid <br />`for his/her unused compensatory time. <br />Once a year, confidential employees may be paid for all <br />accrued compensatory time. Said payments shall be made on the <br />first pay day in December. Written requests for payment must <br />be made by the employee f if teen (15 ) days in advance of the <br />first pay day in December. <br />4.2 Holiday Pay. Middle Management (except Fire Battalion Chiefs) <br />and Confidential employees required by their department <br />director to work on a holiday shall be eligible for overtime <br />compensation equal to twice that compensation established for <br />regular time. <br />Fire Battalion Chiefs, in lieu of observing holidays, shall <br />receive an amount equal to seven and one-half percent (7-1/2~) <br />of their annual salary exclusive of any overtime. Upon <br />termination, battalion chiefs shall receive pro-rated holiday <br />pay. <br />Police Lieutenants: Because police lieutenants are subject to <br />working a portion of the holidays recognized by the city they <br />may receive an amount equal to four percent (4~) of their <br />annual salary exclusive of any overtime upon the approval of <br />the Police Chief and the certification of the City Manager <br />- 5 - <br />