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Confidential <br />Executive Secretary <br />Personnel Assistant <br />Secretary to the City Attorney <br />Section 3. Salaries <br />3.1 Management: Effective September 1, 1991 the control points <br />for management salary grades and grade assignments shall be as <br />provided on Appendix A. <br />The administration of management salaries shall be in <br />accordance with the provisions of the Management Base Salary <br />Plan attached as Appendix B. <br />3.2 Confidential: Confidential positions shall have five step <br />salary range. Effective September 1, 1991, confidential <br />salary ranges shall be as provided in Appendix C. <br />3.3 Salary Range Adiustment Confidential Employees. <br />Confidential employees shall be eligible for a merit increase <br />on their anniversary date until the top of their salary range <br />is reached. Advances shall not be automatic, but shall depend <br />on rendering satisfactory performance. Following adjustments <br />in the salary range of their classification, confidential <br />employees shall be placed at the same salary step in the <br />revised range that they held in the former range. <br />3.4 Salary Setting -Confidential Employees-original Appointment <br />Upon approval of the city manager, newly appointed <br />confidential employees shall be assigned a salary step within <br />their classification salary range for which their education, <br />experience, and training qualifies them. <br />3.5 Salary setting - Management and Confidential EmQloyees- <br />Promotion <br />When a management or confidential employee is promoted he/she <br />shall be assigned a salary within their classification that is <br />at least five percent above the salary held in the former <br />classification. <br />- 4 - <br />