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designated settlement account (for an example only of a <br />typical transaction sequence, see Exhibit 1, Transaction <br />Prompting Sequence); <br />(6) terminal response time shall not exceed 30 seconds (from <br />the time the message is sent from the Terminal until a <br />receipt is issued); and <br />(7) a switch processor that offers; <br />(a) phone response to operator inquiries about system <br />problems seven (7) days a week, twenty-four (24) <br />hours a day; <br />(b) continuous power supply back-up capability on the <br />main switch; <br />(c) tandem or equivalent type computer processor back- <br />up capability; and <br />(d) twenty-four (24) hour, seven day a week <br />communication network and computer processor <br />availability. <br />CPS shall coordinate its performance of the services hereunder <br />with the persons as the Client may specify. CPS shall make <br />periodic verbal or written reports and recommendations to the <br />Client with respect to conditions, transactions, situations or <br />circumstances encountered by CPS relating to the services to be <br />performed under this Agreement and attend meetings determined to be <br />necessary by the Client. CPS shall, upon request, also provide the <br />Client with copies of written materials prepared by CPS or made <br />available to it as a result of its performance under this <br />Agreement. <br />2.02 Basic Services. <br />(a) Installation <br />CPS shall install one or more Terminals and Printers at each <br />of the Client's departments requesting the service. In addition, <br />CPS shall supply sufficient back-up Terminals to be used as <br />temporary or replacement Terminals in the event that one or more of <br />the installed Terminals malfunctions and cannot be repaired within <br />the prescribed time limit. <br />CPS agrees to remove terminals and/or printers upon a request <br />from the Client and reinstall the terminal later or at another <br />location if so requested by the Client at no cost to the Client <br />except for normal telephone line costs agreed to be paid for by the <br />Client. <br />4 06/06/91 <br />