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subdivisions. If the property is accepted by the owner of lot <br />29, a lot line adjustment shall be recorded concurrently with <br />the filing of the final map. The applicant shall be required <br />with the lot line adjustment to install a new privacy fence <br />between the properties and landscape the slope bank. If the <br />adjoining property owner refuses the property, then a 3' tall <br />retaining Wall shall be constructed by the applicant between <br />lot 23 and the adjacent parcel. <br />14. The applicant shall dedicate lot "A" to East Bay Regional <br />Parks District. <br />15. The applicant shall construct deceleration lanes on Vineyard <br />Avenue for both Vista Diablo Court and El Capitan Drive.. The <br />deceleration lane shall be combined with the bike lane. The <br />exact length of the deceleration lane and transition shall be <br />approved by the City Engineer. <br />16. The access easement from Vista Diablo Court to lot 23 shall be <br />21 feet (20 feet curb to curb). The access easement shall be <br />either on lot 5 or 6, but not both. <br />17. The storm drain line, and drainage release between lots 6 and' <br />7, and the valley gutter at the rear of lots 7 through 16 <br />shall be privately maintained by the Homeowners Association. <br />18. The concrete valley gutter shall extend across the rear of lot <br />16. <br />19 . The typical section for the 50 foot and 42 foot street section <br />shall be revised to show a maximum grade of 2% within the 8~ <br />P.S.E. graded towards the street. <br />20. There shall be a 2 foot wide bench at the back of the <br />soundwall prior to the 2:1 side slope. <br />21. The 8 inch sanitary sewer shall be extended easterly on <br />Vineyard Avenue from Vista Diablo Court to Clara Lane. The <br />cost of the installation of this line may be reimbursed by <br />other development benefitting from this line. <br />22. Lot 17 shall be redesigned to drain toward Vista Diablo Court. <br />23. The storm drain line between lot 16 and 17 shall be maintained <br />by the City. the developer shall dedicate a 15 foot wide <br />easement over said line. <br />24. the applicant shall be responsible for obtaining all necessary <br />permitsform Alameda County for the street and utility <br />improvements within Vineyard Avenue. <br />