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Raji nder Ghat oaur-a~ 41-_~1 Crisfield Lar-xe ., sp oE:.e in opposition to <br />the pr-o.jE Ct. He felt tl-lat= the pr o.j ect was poorly located and <br />t oc> 1 ar-ga for thr=: si t:e and too smal 1 for the na_amb ar of proposed <br />r esidants. He felt that r•Irs_ Y-::u was =~i tr-yirxg to maF::a mosey <br />by "warehousing" older people in a too--small area. He stated he <br />does not real 1 y oppose the proms act ., but thi nk:s i t :i s not i n a <br />good location.. He presented a petition of 14G signatures who <br />also oppose the r-a'a oni ng armed development of the currently <br />deli gn eci facility. In addition to the signed peti ti ors., ha said <br />the Rose t=•ar t, Humanity Association on Mohr Avenue were i n <br />opposi -t i on to the pry--sent 1 oc ati ran and deli gn of tl'ie proposed <br />pr-o~ect He Conti rued that Jac4r. Kessl er-- a mortgage specialist <br />told him that propr.=rty val uas wi 1 1 drop drastic-al 1 y because of <br />the proposed project being ba_ailt on Mohr- Avenue. <br />Commi ssi on er Hovi ngh asked Mr . CGh at Dear-a to read tl-ia pE: ~ti t:i ore _ <br />-The petition states "the ur~dersi fined feel the facility will <br />fire-qtly irscrease safety taa~ards to all people because of more <br />t=r aff is from visitors., delivery tr uc4::s and ambulances: there is <br />too '1 i ttl e green space al 1 oc at ed; the faci 1 i ty was not disc us sed <br />with the surroundi nq nei ghborsy and too many r-esi dents Cwhi cl-~ <br />the:.y thought was 14C>) for- the size of the building." <br />Eaob W i 1 s.on ., 7:3 Cr i s~4' i el d Lana., al so spo4::e i n opposi -t i or> -to the <br />f ac:=ility. He indicat eci that he was not opposing the entire <br />pr-o..iec-t ., bc.rt. t=1->r=_ for=anon and size of tl-ac faci7-ity_ Ha felt the <br />traffic-. report was not acct.-tr ateg he said he did not have the <br />rap or-t i n -time to revi ew the staff report . He s<~i d 't tea <br />neighbor-s feel the proposed project r-epr esents an ap artrnent <br />comp 1 e.: that at f i r-s-t they thougl-et i t was for 7r] peop 1 e ~ now :i t <br />aF:>pear-s to be 14~> peoplr=-_ <br />Commi ssi on er Horan said -that 1 egi sl at i on would 1 i mi't the <br />residents to lr~c=~„ not 14~>5 Fiowavar ., Mr-s. kSu would 1 i F~a to stay <br />a't the 9L>-r e~~i dent lave=l . <br />1"Ir. Wi.lsc>n felt that the facility should be more aff or-d able f-or <br />Fil easanton residents: he al so thought. mor-e green space was <br />needed. He thought the pri c_a of the rooms were too high ar-ad <br />that a pr-i va'te morn in other similar facilitti es would go for <br />=E~1 ~E->O[_> in comparison to the-. pro~ec_-t ed ~1 .,90~?_ He -thought it <br />was a gat-r-i c_n p 1 an _ He agr ead t-Fat ne 1 i 4ced tl-~e i daa of a <br />subsi dy i n some fashion . Fle was a'1 so c-oncerned wi th staf f <br />ampl oyaes to r-esi dent r-atio_ Ha felt there were not enough <br />f aciliti e.==> of this net are around to serve as a good modal nand <br />t tt c>t_aght City staff was ma4ci ng too many assurnpti ores. Ha 'thought <br />traffic: would be greatly increased and that the traffic_ report <br />by TaJ k::l"1 al so made too many assurnpt i ons: he felt mor-e study <br />s1--aould be done reg ardi ny traffic increases in parti c_ul ar- ~xt peaF=: <br />travel -ti mes_ 1-ie though-t 'the proposed structure did not blend <br />in well with thE: sire ar->d scale of e>:i stir~g houses_ Na thong h-t <br />c:-s:tra -tra=_sh and garbage would be gener-at eci because o-f al l the <br />M INU7ES <br />PLANN I NG~ COI<'IM I Vi=i c-'+ I O!V <br />July wS ~ 199~> <br />Faye 1~ <br />