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meals per day that wot.-al d ba sa-rued ~ r?. s-l- i mati ng maa'1 s to ba 4.` C> a <br />day for- i40 paopl e_ he also thought .another EIF: sh ou7.d be done <br />anti f al t that too many thi ngz have change=d si nca tt',a fir 3t p'1 ens <br />came cut=_ <br />Commi ss~i on er Mah ern and Mr- . Swift d i sca_essed traf ff i c_ issues and <br />it a~£f i.c counts with rir_ Wilson. <br />Datvi d Sharp ., 414°; C]r- i zf i el d Lane ~ showed photos of Mrs _ t=::u <br />Castro Va:Llay facility. Ha indi cat eel there was no green space <br />there. He felt that a comment- that the balconies would not be- <br />use-d by the r-asi dents was i r, er-ror and that i n fact ., the <br />resi dents would be uzi ng them and l 004:: i ng into then yards and <br />t,ouses nearby. He felt that an office building would afford the <br />neighbors more privacy for wE:e4:ands_ He commented 'that in <br />regard t_o 1"It. Diablo that. most of the bac. 4c yard<~ did have a view <br />of the moa..antai r, which would be bloc. 4~ad by the Proposed -ff aci l i ty_ <br />8h ar-ori Car of f man ~ 4.'~'~-,9 Waycross Ct .. said she 1 i va<<-3 near the <br />c or-n ar of riot-, r', Avenue. S'he told about a drun4~ driver who <br />c.rasl'~ed i ni_o her house and felt that c_t,ances of such ace i der,tcs <br />mi gt,t be inc-reasE=d tay extra t=r-aff-ic= to the facility_ `ihe fe_'lt <br />not se waz al so a big -f' actor i n oppozi. nq -the present 1 oc-at i or', oi° <br />the f-~ici 1 ity_ S'he stated she was not opposed to cy r-ow-th <br />felt tl-~e facility was not in a prop ar- location and that noise., <br />tr aff ic::9 and safety were a real concern. <br />1-r-ad Nempy~ :=s<~C?~~ Foothill Izoad ., spok:a in favor of the pr-ojc.et_ <br />He did not thi r-, 4:: more of f i c_a sp ac_e was needed i n P'1 ease ntor-, ~ Gut <br />did 'think: it mead ad a fac-il ity such as prc7P osed by Mrs. K:u_ hie <br />t taught Mrs_ tCu was ta4ci ng a Gig financial rink: in buildir-,g sa--ar-. t, <br />a f aci 7. i ty and al so f al t she was doi r-,g a good .job wi th the <br />Caa <~tro Valley facility. Ha felt that if people Conti ncae to <br />oppose prof acts sa_cch as the pr-oposad ttat F-'1 as canton rcas:i dents <br />would avant wally haves to take their- e.l derly t:o facili-ti as in <br />O.a 4:1 and or- al sE:?wM,er c-. He hoped Mr-z. 1-::u s appl i cati orz would be <br />approv eel _ <br />Mr hlempy and Commi s-zi on er Hovi ngt disc ussad at. some 1 engtt-. -the <br />asp ec:t of- oaf f ordc~b 1 a 'F-,ousi ng as r-al at ed to -the pr-opozed pr-o~ act _ <br />Commi zsi on er Hovi nc~t E3>: pr es sad some concern that other- si mi ]. ar' <br />disc uszed f ac i 1 i ti es had not bean bui 1't i n F'1 eas anion bee aa_ase i't <br />was not found to ba ac on orni cal 1 y f easi b'1 e. Mr _ Hampy f a1 t tl-',at <br />rlr-s. k:=~-a had to ba able to ma4~e soma money on 'the pro iac-L- or she <br />would not be able to oper'a'te a fac_ility_ <br />Marty St arms , St_>J~, t=ooth i 1 1 F~oad ., sai. d she had not :i ntended to <br />sp ea4:: tonight on this case, but felt compel?-aci to do so_ She <br />said she ectoed Mr . Hampy s c_omm ants and told of her par sonal <br />search fc,r hoa_azi r,g in Li ver morE= for t, e~~^ ral ati ves_ Flt the time <br />nothi ny was available,: hence., her ra]-at:i ve= had to be. placed at <br />Saratoga wh era Mrs. Starnes finds i t difficult to vi si. t <br />M I NtJTES <br />F'LANN I NV C:UMM I SS 1' OiV <br />July 2°~., 3990 <br />Pages 16 <br />