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10.3 <br /> <br />10.4 <br /> <br />In recognition that the crediting of floating holidays is being <br />changed from a fiscal to a calendar year, employees shall be <br />credited once, on July 1, 1992, with one and one-half floating <br />holidays to be observed prior to Janauary 1, 1993 in accordance <br />with the scheduling and approval process set forth in the above <br />paragraph. <br /> <br />Persons who become full time employees after January 1st but prior <br />to July 1st of any calendar year, shall be credited with one (1) <br />floating holiday subject to the scheduling, approval and observance <br />processes outlined in paragraph one of this section. <br /> <br />Holiday Observance Reqular Part-Time Employees <br /> <br />Regular part-time employees shall receive time off with pay for <br />holiday observances as follows: <br /> <br />Regular part-time employees including job share employees averaging <br />between twenty (20) and twenty-nine (29) hours per week, four (4) <br />hours pay for each fixed holiday observed by full time employees in <br />the same or similar classification. In addition three (3), four <br />(4) hour floating holidays shall be credited to each regular <br />part-time employee including job share employees each year. <br />Scheduling and observance of said floating holidays shall be in <br />accordance with those procedures established for full time <br />employees. Such floating holidays shall be observed in the <br />calendar year in which they are credited. <br /> <br />Regular part-time employees including job share employees averaging <br />between thirty (30) through thirty-nine (39) hours per week, six <br />(6) hours pay for each fixed holiday observed by full time <br />employees in the same or similar classification. In addition, <br />three (3), six (6) hour floating holidays shall be credited to each <br />regular part-time employee including job share employees each year. <br />Scheduling and observance of said floating holidays shall be in <br />accordance with those procedures established for full time <br />employees. Such floating holidays shall be observed in the <br />calendar year in which they are credited. <br /> <br />The change in crediting of floating holidays for regular part time <br />employees shall occur consistent with the conversion procedures <br />established for full time employees. <br /> <br />Work on a Hollda¥ <br /> <br />If in the opinion of the Department Head, the employee's services <br />are needed and required in the interest of the public- health, <br />safety or general welfare, the employee shall be compensated at a <br />rate of pay twice that established for regular time for holiday <br />hours worked except that employees in the classifications of police <br />clerk, senior police clerk and supervising police clerk shall be <br />compensated each year for working holidays through receipt of <br />holiday in lieu pay. Said holiday in lieu pay shall be equal to <br />seven and one-half percent (7-1/2%) of the employee's annual salary <br /> <br />- 11 - <br /> <br /> <br />