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project that consists solely of interior improvements to an existing Building- (4) C:onstruciion of <br />any Single-Family Residential Project other than one: single-tan~aily costa ni honk: less than <br />2,000 square feet in size, (5) C-on struction of any Multi-Fan-aily Residential Project:, or <br />(6) Construction of any Mixed-Use Yrojcet. Covered projects do not include Historic Buildings <br />or privately-owned co n~a n~erci al or mixed-use Fuildings within the boundaries of-ihc Downtown <br />Specific Plan (adopted March 5, 2002_ <br />1. "Green Building" araeans a whole systems approach to the design, construction, <br />and operation of Buildings that helps mitigate the environmental, econon~aic, and social impacts <br />of Buil dings- Green Building practices recognize the relationship between natural and built <br />environments and seclc to ariiaiiariize the use of energy, water, and other natural resources acid <br />provide a healthy, productive indoor environment. <br />rra. "Green Building C:on~plianc=e C~fticial" iricans the Director ot-Planning and <br />Community Development or his or her designee. <br />ai. "Green Building Project Checklist" arieaais a checklist or scorecard developed for <br />the purpose of calculating a score on the LEEDTM Commercial Green Building Rating Systeari, <br />flee Single-Faaraily Czrecn Building Rating System or the Multi-Fan~aily Green Building Rating <br />Systein_ Covered projects shall uti lizc the Circcn Building Project Checklist that corresponds <br />with the Green Building Rating Systeara approved for usc_ <br />o. "Green Building Worksheet" araeans a worksheet or form developed by the Careen <br />Building Compliance 01t3cial aa~d, as may be amended, which speciFes information to be <br />submitted prior io any hearing for Design Review or t'lanned lJnii r~eveloparaent Design Review <br />approval for a Covered Pro_ject_ The Green Building Worksheet shall specify the form and <br />content of the required doe uar~entaaion. <br />p. "Hardship" means circun~stan ces, by soma verit3 able level of adversity or <br />difficulty, by which an Applicant would not be able to reasonably tiiltill the obligations to meet <br />the ordinance as deterai~ined by the Green Building Compliance Officer. <br />q.. "Historic Building" means any Building listed on. or eligible for listing on a. <br />national, state, or local register or listing of historic resources. <br />r "l nfeasit>le" rz~eans the existence of obstacles which render the <br />applicant/developer incapable oi'lultfilling the obligations to nicet the ordinance as determined by <br />the Green Building Compliance Otiicer. <br />4 <br />