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shall provide a copy of the approvcd Pre-Permitting Documentation at the hearing on the Design <br />Review or Planuc:d Unit Developn~xent Design Review s. rid shall notify the Building and Safeiy <br />Division that the Yre-Permitting, Documentation has been approvcd. No building permit shall he <br />issued until the Pre-Permitting Documentation has been approved under this section or an <br />exexription has boon granted ux-xder Section 17.50.080_ <br />b. Non-Annroval_ If the Green Building Compliance Official determines that the <br />Pre-Permitting Documentation is incomplete or fails to indicate that the Covered Project will <br />meet the required Cireen Building rating for the Covered Project as set forth in <br />Section 17.50.040, he or she shall either: <br />(1) Return the Pre-Pcrn~itting Docuxrxentatioxx in the Applicant xiiarked <br />"Denied," irxcluding a statement of reasons, and so notify the Building and Safety Division; or <br />(2) Return the. Prc-Permitting Docwrxexitation to the !Applicant xrxarlced <br />"Further Explanatioxi Roq uired," and detail the additional information needed_ <br />c. Ke-S ubmission_ if the Prc-Permitting Docunzcntation is returned. to the <br />Applicant, the Applicant may rc-submit the Pre-Pcrxrxitting Docunicntation with such additional <br />information as may be required ox- may apply for an exemption under Section 17.50-080. <br />d. Timing of Rcvicw: The Green Building Compliance Official shall review Lhe <br />Circen Building Yro_ject Checklist and. all other Pre-Permitting Docw~~entation for compliance <br />with this Chapter prior to the hearing on Design Rcvicw or Planned Unit Developn~xent Dcsi gx~ <br />Review, aizd again during plax~ checl:- <br />17.50_070 Compliance_ <br />a- Suildin~ Perxriit Docunicntation: With the applicatioxi for a building permit, the <br />Applicant shall submit a completed Careen Building Project Checklist with the first building <br />permit plan sot submitted- All building plans shall indicate in the general notes or individual <br />detail drawings, where feasible, the Green Building measures to be used to attain the applicable <br />Circon Building rating. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Municipal Code, no building <br />permit shall be issued for ax~y Covered Project unless and until the Green Building Compliance <br />Oiticial has approved the Pre-Penrx fitting Documentation submitted for the Covered Prc~ject- <br />b. Commliance Rcvicw: Building and Safety Division staff shall verify that the <br />C}reen Building n-xcasures and provisions indicated in the Pre-Ycrn~itting Docurrxcniation ax-e <br />being inzplenzented at foundation inspection, framing inspection, and prior to issuance of a I3na1 <br />9 <br />