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POLICE DEPARTMENT <br />57. The area of the development shall be tested for strength and clarity of signal to and from <br />the area for City em ergen cy services coarimunications including., but not limited to, City <br />eight-hundred megahertz (800 nzh~_~ trunked radio, Live rnZOrc-Pleasanton Fire Services <br />radio, Alameda County eight-hundred n~egah ertz (800 mho) franked radio., <br />CLL3MAR/Police Dispatch, grad the current police xuobilc data systmri, unless waived by <br />the Police Department- City of Pleasanton- Expert opinions nay be required in <br />anticipation of corram unications difficulties inside or around large structures. Mitigation <br />plans o£ less than acceptable conzn~unications shall be su bariitted to the satisfaction of the <br />Police Uepartnient prior to approval and shall be financed by the applicant immediately <br />upon approval. <br />FIRE DF_YARTMENT <br />58. The buildings shall be eq uippcd with autonZatic fire suppression systcatis <sprinklers) as <br />rey aired by the Fire Department. <br />59- The applicant shall post address numerals on the building so as to be plainly visi talc ti-o n~ <br />all adjoining su-eets or driveways during both daylight and night time hours. <br />60- The applicant shall araeet all requirements of the Pleasanton Fire Code (Pleasanton <br />Municipal Code. Chapter 20.24)_ <br />61 . The applicant shaall keep the site free of fire hazards froara the start ot-lun~aber construction <br />until the final inspection. <br />62. Prior to aaiy construction lraaning, the applicant shall provide adequate fire protection <br />facilities, including, but not limited. ua surface roads., fire hydrants. and a water supply and <br />water fl caw in conformanec to the City's Fire Department Standards able to suppress a <br />ni~ij car tire- When alternate methods of fire protection are approved by the Fire Chief this <br />requirement may be waived or rnoditied_ Proposed alternative methods of fire protection <br />shall be submitted in writing to the Pire Chief prior to any ti-aniing construction- Worlc <br />on the alternative fire protection methods shall not begin until approved by the Fire <br />C hicf. <br />f33. 'l~ha Firc G'hiaT and the City 1=,n ginaar shall appro va the nuariber, type, and location of all <br />public fire hydrants- <br />64. F31ue street "hydrant ar~arkers" shall be installed for all fire hydrants per City of <br />Pleasanton Staa-adard Spccitications. <br />65. At the time of sale, the applica.ait shall give hoar eowners notice of the availability of the <br />City's Fire Safety Inspection Program and shall encourage their participation in this <br />prograrii. <br />9 <br />