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50_ All portions of the building covered by this approval shall have installed and operating, <br />iirc extinguishers with a rrxinimuxrx 2-.A:1O-B-C rating. "fhc lire extinguishers shall be <br />located within a 75-foot radius of each other. <br />Engineering Requirementsc <br />51. All utilities required to serve any existing or proposed developxrxant on-site shall be <br />installed underground. <br />52. The paving sections for the on-site parking and drive areas shall be designed on the basis <br />of an R-Value test and a traffic index to carry the anticipated traffic loads. "Phis design <br />shall be sut~jcet to the approval of the Chief Building Otticial_ The minimum paving <br />section shall be 2-inches of asphalt concrete ~A_C_~ on a 6-inch asphalt base ~A_B_~. The <br />minimum A.C. pavement slope shall be 1 %_ For pavement slopes less than 1 °/ , the <br />surface runoff shall be carried in a concrete guitar to an acceptable point of discharge_ <br />The minimun-x slope for concrete gutter shall be O.5%_ <br />53. "l~he project developer shall submit a final grading and drainage plan prepared by a. <br />Licensed civil engineer depicting all final grades and on-site drainage control xrteasures, <br />including concrete-lined "V"-ditches, to protect all cut acid fill slopes from surface water <br />overflow. This plait shall be suL~ject to the review and approval of the City Engineer <br />and/or the Chief Building Official prior to the issuance of any building permits. <br />54. The project developer shall submit a refundable cash bond for hazard and erosion control <br />prior to issuance of an Engineering or Building and Safety Division permit. The amount <br />of this bond will be determined by the City Engineer. <br />55. The project developer shall grant an casenzaxzt to the City over those parcels Headed for <br />public service eascn~ents (P_S_E.) and which are approved by the City Engineer or other <br />casements, which may be designated by the City Enginacr_ <br />56. The haul route for all materials to and from this development shall be approved by the <br />City T~ngineer prior to the issua.xiec of an encroachment pex-rnit. <br />57_ The design of the water supply and sanitary sewer systems shall be subject to the review <br />and approval of the City F_ngineer. <br />58. Storm drainage swalcs, gutters, inlets, outl':xlls, and channels not within the area of a <br />dedicated public street or public service casement approved by the City Engineer shall be <br />privately maintained by the property owner(s)_ <br />59. Any damage to existing street improvements during construction on the subject property <br />shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the City Engineer at full expense to the project <br />developer_ This shall include slurry seal, overlay, or street reconstruction if deemed <br />warranted by the City )=,n gineer. <br />7 <br />