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MITIGATION MONITORING PLAN <br /> <br /> Impact / Specific Plan Measure Timing <br /> <br /> 4.2-4: Expansive Soil <br /> <br />On expansive soils with moderately high shrink-swell potential (Perkins loam Foundations and <br />and Pleasanton and Positas gravelly loam), building foundations and improvements to be specified <br />improvements shall consist of drilled pier and grade beams, deepened footings in building plans prior to <br />(extending below expansive soil), or post-tensioned slabs. Altematively, issuance of building permits. <br />expansive soil shall be removed and replaced with compacted non-expansive <br />soil prior to foundation construction. The geotechnical report for each phase <br />of the project shall require that subgrade soils for pavements consist of mois- <br />tureoconditioned, lime-treated, or non-expansive soil, and that surface <br />(including roof drainage) and subsurface water be directed away from foun- <br />dation elements to minimize variations in soil moisture. <br /> <br />Improvements proposed to be placed on slopes greater than 10%, or within 10 Prior to issuance of grading <br />feet of the tops of such slopes, shall be approved for construct/on by a permit. <br />Califorma licensed geotechnical engineer or Califomia certified engineering <br />geologist. The City shall approve grading plans and slope designs prior to <br />implementation. <br /> <br />HYDROLOGY and WATER QUALITY (Section 4.3) <br /> <br />4.3-1: Increased Runoff <br /> <br />Grading and drainage design plans shall be submitted to the City Engineer for Prior to approval of grading <br />each phase of development within the Plan Area and reviewed for compliance and drainage design plans. <br />with all applicable City requirements. The drainage plans shall demonstrate <br />that the proposed developments would minimize or eliminate increases in the <br />volume or rate of runoff associated with both small and large storm events <br />(including 2-year to 100-year storm events) from the development sites. <br /> <br />Following PUD development plan approval and prior to the installation of any Prior to issuance of grading <br />new vineyards or other crops, each individual agricultural operator shall submit permit. <br />a grading plan to the City Engineer. The grading plan shall identify features for <br />site drainage, runoff control, and appropriate best management practices for <br />control of erosion and sedimentation. <br /> <br />4.3-2: Development Runoff Quality <br /> <br />Projects disturbing more than five acres of land during construction shall be Prior to issuance of grading <br />required to file a Notice of Intent (NOI) to be covered under the State NPDES permit. <br />General Construction Permit for discharges of storm water associated with <br />construction activity. The developer must propose control measures that are <br />consistent with the permit. <br /> <br />A Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) shall be developed and Plan developed prior to <br />implemented for each site covered by the permit. A SWPPP should include issuance of grading permit. <br />Best Management Practices (BMPs) designed to reduce potential impacts to Plan implemented during <br />surface water quality through the construction and life of the project. A grading and construction. <br />SWPPP shall be prepared such that, when properly implemented, it will reduce <br /> <br />Vineyard Avenue Corridor Specific Plan Draft FIR MMP-6 Mitigation Monitoring Plan <br /> <br /> <br />