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MITIGATION MONITORING PLAN <br /> <br /> Impact / Specific Plan Measure Timing <br /> <br /> Prior to the final design of the relocated Vineyard Avenue, the stability of the Prior to approval of realigned <br /> slopes of the south bank of Arroyo del Valle generally within 200 feet of the Vineyard Avenue <br /> proposed location of the roadway shall be evaluated by a qualified geotechnical construction plans. <br /> engineer to determine if slope failures could affect the short- and long-term <br /> integrity of the constructed roadway or if construction or operation of the <br /> roadway could affect the stability of the banks. A geotechmcal report shall be <br /> prepared for the City that specifies appropriate slope design and construction. <br /> Recommendations within the report shall be implemented in the roadway <br /> specifications. <br /> <br />4.2-3: Unstable Deep Fills <br /> <br />All grading plans, cut and fill slopes, compaction procedures, and retaining Prior to issuance of grading <br />structures shall be designed by a licensed geotechnical or civil engineer. All permit, and during grading <br />grading and slope preparation activities shall be conducted under the and construction. <br />supervision of a licensed geotechnical engineer or certified engineering <br />geologist. <br /> <br />To the extent possible, grading plans shall minimize earthmoving and site Prior to issuance of grading <br />grading. Development design shall avoid placing structures and utilities on or permit. <br />near the tops of slopes or m the shallow subsurface of slopes. <br /> <br />In graded construction areas, replacement vegetation shall be planted as During grading and <br />quickly as possible. Graded areas that remain inactive for I0 days or more construction <br />during the rainy season (October 1 to April 1) without permanent replanting <br />should be hydroseeded or stabilized to inhibit dust generation. <br /> <br />The final geotechnical report for the grading plan for proposed projects shall be Prior to issuance of grading <br />prepared by a professional engineer and approved by the City Engineer. The permit. <br />report shall address the potential for delayed (differential <br />settlement)consolidation within deep fills and associated land surface <br />subsidence. The report shall provide specific recommendations for: <br /> <br />· Fill compaction specifications that consider the likelihood of eventual <br /> saturation and wetting and drying cycles for the fill materials; <br /> <br />· Removal of colluvial material or weathered rock that may be subject to <br /> consolidation under the load of proposed fills; <br /> <br />· Design that minimizes the variability of fill thickness within fills that <br /> underlie structures or other improvements at the project site; and <br /> <br />· Design and operation of adequate subsurface drainage systems for fills <br /> (particularly beneath heavily irrigated areas or other water sources such as <br /> swimming pools or detention basins). Drainage systems for the fills shall <br /> be designed to minimize maintenance and ensure long-term performance. <br /> How from the drainage system shall be controlled so as not to cause or <br /> contribute to erosion of existing drainage channels. <br /> <br />Vineyard Avenue Corridor Specific Plan Draft EIR MMP-5 Mitigation Monitoring Plan <br /> <br /> <br />