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MITIGATION MONITORING PIAN <br /> <br /> Impact / Specific Plan Measure Timin~ <br /> <br />or eliminate impacts to surface water quality from all phases of the project. <br />Required elements of the SWPPP include: <br /> <br /> Construction Storm Water Management Controls. These controls shall <br /> include practices to minimize the contact of construction materials, <br /> equipment, and maintenance supplies (e.g., fuels, lubricants, paints, <br /> solvents, adhesives) with storm water. The SWPPP shall specify properly <br /> designed centralized storage areas that keep these materials out of the rain. <br /> <br /> An important component of the storm water quality protection effort is <br /> knowledge of the site supervisors and workers. To educate onsite <br /> personnel and maintain awareness of the importance of storm water <br /> quality protection, site supervisors shall conduct regular tailgate meetings <br /> to discuss pollution prevention. The frequency of the meetings and <br /> required personnel attendance list shall be specified in the SWPPP. <br /> <br /> The SWPPP shall specify a monitoring program to be implemented by the <br /> construction site supervisor, and must include both dry and wet weather <br /> inspections. City of Pleasanton personnel will conduct regular inspections <br /> to ensure compliance with the SWPPP (this is already standard <br /> procedure). RWQCB personnel, who may make unannounced site <br /> inspections, are empowered to levy considerable fines if it is determined <br /> that the SWPPP has not been properly prepared and implemented. <br /> <br /> Erosion and Sediment Control. Best Management Practices (BMPs) <br /> designed to reduce erosion of exposed soil may include, but are not limited <br /> to: soil stabilization controls, watering for dust control, perimeter silt <br /> fences, placement of hay bales, and sediment basins. The potential for <br /> erosion is generally increased if grading is performed during the rainy <br /> season as disturbed soil can be exposed to rainfall and storm runoff. If <br /> grading must be conducted during the rainy season, the primary BMPs <br /> selected shall focus on erosion control to keep sediment on the slopes. <br /> End-of-pipe sediment control measures (e.g., basins and traps) shall be <br /> used only as secondary measures. If hydroseeding is selected as the <br /> primary soil stabilization method, then slopes shall be seeded by September <br /> 1 and irrigated to ensure that adequate root development has occurred <br /> prior to October 1. Entry and egress from the construction site shall be <br /> carefully controlled to minimize offsite tracking of sediment. Vehicle and <br /> equipment wash down facilities shall be designed to be accessible and <br /> functional both during dry and wet conditions. <br /> <br /> Post-Construction Storm Water Management. This refers to measures <br /> taken to prevent storm water pollution associated with post-construction <br /> activities at the developed site. Because the project includes relatively <br /> low-density development, it may be practical for the design of the <br /> residential development areas to include no net gain in stormwater runoff <br /> from the site. Large single-family home lots generally provide many <br /> opportunities for stormwater management, including unit pavers on sand <br /> patios, concave lawn/infiltration basins, and dry-wells connected to roof <br /> downspouts. <br /> <br />Vineyard Avenue Corridor Specific Plan Draft EIR MMP-7 Mitigation Monitoring Plan <br /> <br /> <br />