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MITIGATION MONITORING PLAN <br /> <br /> Impact / Specific Plan Measure Timing <br /> <br />determine if standard construction of structures is appropriate or if non- <br />standard foundation/building ventilation systems should be required. <br /> <br />4.9-4: Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields <br /> <br />The California Department of Education has adopted recommended setbacks Demonstration of <br />for schools from powerline easements. The proposed school shall conform with conformance pnor to issuance <br />the guidelines established by the California Department of Education for of building permit. <br />setback of schools from electrical power line easements. <br /> <br />4.9-5: Increased Wildfire Risk <br /> <br />An Open Space Fire Management Plan shall be prepared by developers of each Prior to issuance of building <br />lot which contains Open Space and shall be submitted to, and approved by, permits. <br />the Livermore-Heasanton Fire Department prior to the issuance of occupancy <br />permits for homes in the Specific Plan Area. The Plan shall propose specific <br />measures to reduce potential fire hazards, including construction of buffers <br />between homes and regular maintenance and disking, as appropriate. If <br />appropriate, the Plan may also specify the planting of "wet bands" between the <br />residential development and open space areas. <br /> <br />All brush and other flammable materials shall be cleared within at least 30 feet Demonstration of <br />of new homes. Ornamental landscaping shall emphasize the use of fire- conformance prior to issuance <br />resistant species. of building permit. <br /> <br />4.9-6: Hazards Posed by Steep Slopes <br /> <br />Minimum sixffoot high fencing shall be installed along the steep banks of Required as a condition of <br />Arroyo del Valle and all mining pits within the Plan Area to reduce the subdivision map approval <br />potential for recreational use of these areas. Signs shall be posted cautionlag of and/or commencement of <br />steep, unstable slopes and potential drowning hazards. In addition to this potential mining. <br />provision, the stability of slopes along the arroyo shall be evaluated and <br />modified, if necessary, to be made stable under short- and long-term conditions <br />(see Impact 4.2-2). This mitigation shall be implemented by the property <br />owner of Lot 2 1 located adjacent to Arroyo del Valle and containing areas with <br />steep slopes) either at the time the lot is subdivided or prior to the <br />commencement of mining operations, whichever occurs first. <br /> <br />4.9-7: Exposure to Disease-Bearing Organisms <br /> <br />The developers of land containing detention basins, springs, ponds, etc., shall Prior to issuance of building <br />contact the Alameda County Mosquito Abatement District (ACMAD) for permit to all applicable land <br />assistance in controlling and managing potential disease-bearing vectors and owners. <br />their breeding areas, to reduce the potential for transmission of public health <br />diseases associated with these organisms. The ACMAD shall also be consulted <br />for assistance in the control and management of other organisms (e.g., Valley <br />black gnat) and their breeding areas that pose an environmental nuisance. <br />The owners of such developments shall be responsible for implementing all <br />applicable recommendations of the District. <br /> <br /> Vineyard Avenue Corridor Specific Plan Draft EIR MMP-17 Mitigation Monitoring Plan <br /> <br /> <br />