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MITIGATION MONITORING PLAN <br /> <br /> Impact / Specific Plan Measure Timing <br /> <br />delineating whether hazardous materials appeared to be present below the <br />floors or foundations. <br /> <br />If hazardous materials are present, a soil-sampling plan shall be prepared and Prior to demolition of any on- <br />implemented prior to disturbance of native soils. The soil samples shall be site agricultural structures. <br />collected by a qualified environmental professional and submitted to a <br />California-certified laboratory for analysis. The analytical results shall be <br />evaluated by a qualified environmental professional for development of an <br />appropriate health and safety plan for construction workers involved in site- <br />demolition activities, waste-disposal options, and potential site <br />investigation/remediation. <br /> <br />4.9-2: Landfill Hazards <br /> <br />A Health Risk Assessment (HRA) shall be prepared for the City by a qualified Prior to PUD Development <br />health risk professional for use of Lot 14 as a City park. The HRA shall Plan approval of Lot 14. <br />evaluate the existing data on air, soil, and water quality from the site to <br />determine if additional sampling and testing is required. The HRA shall be <br />prepared in conformance with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) <br />and CalEPA guidelines. If the HRA indicates that park use of the site is <br />appropriate, the Parks and Community Services Department shall prepare a <br />worker Health and Safety Plan for development, operation, and maintenance <br />of the proposed park. If the HRA concludes the site has unacceptable health <br />risks, then either 1) a remediation plan shall be prepared for approval by U.S. <br />EPA and CalEPA, and the specified remediation measures shall be <br />implemented; or 2) the Plan shall be modified to accommodate another use. <br /> <br />4.9-3: Release of Landfill Gas <br /> <br />The City shall attempt to obtain as-built drawings of all components of the Prior to issuance of grading or <br />methane gas collection system on Lot 14. If obtained, these records shall be building permits. <br />maintained at the Building Inspection Department to ensure that any <br />excavations made during park construction or operation do not rupture <br />components of the system. The Department shall establish a protocol for all <br />excavation activities (including drilling) that require the evaluation of the gas <br />collection system drawings prior to the commencement of activities. <br /> <br />All aboveground components of the methane gas collection system on Lot 14 On-going. <br />shall be protected with locked fences or other secure enclosures to prevent <br />public contact with these facilities for as long as they are needed. <br /> <br />The design of the proposed park shall generally avoid any features that would Prior to PUD Development <br />require removal of the existing cover or excavation into the landfill materials. Plan approval of Lot 14. <br />Should excavation into the landfill materials be required (e.g., for utilities or <br />building foundations), the excavations shall be made under a worker health <br />and safety plan prepared by a Certified Industrial Hygienist. <br /> <br />All development projects on lands adjacent to the landfill on Lot 14 shall Prior to PUD Development <br />conduct a gas survey to determine if significant gas migration from the landfill Plan approval' for affected <br />is affecting the development site. The results of the survey shall be used to properties. <br /> <br />Vineyard Avenue Corridor Specific Plan Draft EIR MMP-16 Mitigation Monitoring Plan <br /> <br /> <br />