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MITIGATION MONITORING PLAN <br /> <br /> Impact / Specific Plan Measure Timing <br /> <br /> ends in a seep south of the existing alignment of Vineyard Avenue on Lot 28 <br /> to accommodate residential development. <br /> <br />Measures to minimize erosion and runoff into seasonal drainages shall also be Prior to issuance of grading <br />included in all grading plans. Appropriate runoff controls such as berms, storm permits that affect wetland <br />gates, detention basins, overflow collection areas, filtration systems, and habitat. <br />sediment traps shall be implemented to control siltation and the potential <br />discharge of pollutants into preserved drainages. <br /> <br />Prior to issuance of grading permits for Lots 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28, 32, Prior to issuance of grading <br />and 33, a qualified biologist shall determine, through the formal Section 404 permits for Lots 18, 19, 21, <br />wetlands delineation process, the extent of jurisdictional wetlands on each lot. 22, 24, 26, 27, 28, 32, and 33. <br />Authorization of a Section 404 permit shall be secured from USACE and a <br />Section 1603 agreemlnt shall be secured from CDFG, ff applicable. As part of <br />the permitting process, mitigation of impacts to jurisdictional wetlands shall be <br />identified and implemented. The acreage shall be replaced or rehabilitated on <br />a "no-net-loss" basis in accordance with USACE regulations. Habitat <br />restoration, rehabilitation, and/or replacement shall be at a location and by <br />methods agreeable to USACE. <br /> <br />4.4-5: California Red-legged Frog <br /> <br />All grading plans will include a minimum 100-foot setback from seasonal ponds Prior to issuance of grading <br />that are not identified for development in the Specific Plan. (Mitigation permits that affect red-legged <br />Measure 4-4-4 identifies all wetlands that would be disturbed with site frog habitat. <br />development and Exhibit 4.4-1 identifies the seasonal ponds on the project <br />site.) <br /> <br />Construction activity occurring within 100 feet of an intermittent drainage, During grading and <br />may occur only if the drainage is completely dry. construction. <br /> <br />Mitigation Measure 4.4-4 shall be implemented to reduce impacts on Prior to issuance of grading <br />California red-legged frog habitat. permits in wetland habitat. <br /> <br />4.4-6: California Tiger Salamander <br /> <br />All grading plans will include a minimum 100-foot setback from suitable Prior to issuance of grading <br />Califomia tiger salamander breeding habitat (i.e., seasonal ponds) that is not permits that affect Califomia <br />identified for development in the Specific Plan. (Mitigation Measure 4.4-4 tiger salamander habitat (e.g., <br />identifies all wetlands that would be disturbed with site development and seasonal ponds, blue oak <br />Exhibit 4.4-1 identifies the seasonal ponds on the project site.) woodlands, annual <br /> grasslands). <br /> <br />For the upland habitat of the Califomia tiger salamander that would be Prior to issuance of grading <br />removed with development of the proposed project, an equivalent amount of permit in wetland habitat. <br />upland habitat shall be preserved within the Plan Area. Suitable tiger <br />salamander habitat in the Plan Area includes all areas identified as blue oak <br />woodland or annual grassland. The preserved habitat shall consist entirely of <br />blue oak woodland or annual grassland habitat. All preserved habitat shall be <br />managed and protected, in perpetuity, as natural habitat. <br /> <br />Vineyard Avenue Corridor Specific Plan Draft EIR MMP-IO Mitigation Monitoring Plan <br /> <br /> <br />