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RES 99075
City of Pleasanton
RES 99075
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3/20/2012 12:44:18 PM
Creation date
6/15/1999 4:57:50 PM
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MITIGATION MONITORING PLAN <br /> <br /> Impact / Specific Plan Measure Timing <br /> <br />within driplines, and avoidance of lawns or other incompatible plant materials <br />in sensitive areas. In addition, all lots which have downhill slopes adjacent to <br />trees shall have a curb-type drain system or equivalent installed along the <br />length of the lot line adjacent to such trees. No grading or soil compaction <br />shall occur within 4 feet of the leaf canopy edge of a tree, and the edge shall be <br />completely encircled with a strip of 20 gauge aluminum flashing buried 12 <br />inches deep to shunt runoff water from the root zone. <br /> <br />With the exception of orchard trees and other non-heritage trees, which do <br />not line Vineyard Avenue, and are located in Vineyard districts, the developer <br />shall plant City-approved native trees on the site at a 6 to 1 replacement ratio <br />for each tree removed, in a mix ranging from 5 gallon (20 percent), 15 gallon <br />(60 percent), and 24-inch box (20 percent). The location and arrangement of <br />such trees shall be subject to the approval of the City. The tree plan, <br />replacement planting, and follow-up care shall be handled by an established <br />horticultural firm which specializes in the reforestation of Bay Area woodland <br />sites. The plan shall include a set of stringent rules regarding the use of <br />herbicides. <br /> <br />4.4-3: Raptor Nest Disturbance <br /> <br />When grading of an area of one acre or greater is to occur, or when one or Prior to issuance of any <br />more trees with a trunk diameter of 6 inches or greater are proposed to be grading permit. <br />removed during the raptor nesting season (February 1 to August 31), a focused <br />survey for raptor nests shall be conducted by a qualified biologist during the <br />nesting season. The survey shall be conducted no less than 14 days, and no <br />more than 30 days, prior to the beginning of grading or tree removal. If nesting <br />raptors are found during the focused survey, no grading or tree removal shall <br />occur within 500 feet of an active nest until the young have ~edged (as <br />determined by a qualified biologist), or until the project applicant receives <br />written authorization from CDFG to proceed. If the removal of nest trees is <br />unavoidable, they shall be removed during the non-breeding season. <br /> <br />4.44: Wetlands and other Jurisdictional Waters of the United <br /> States <br /> <br />All grading plans shall include a minimum 100-foot setback from intermittent Prior to issuance of grading <br />drainages and other seasonal wetlands that are not identified for development permits that affect wetland <br />in the Specific Plan. The wetlands identified for development in the Specific habitat. <br />Plan include the northem portion of the westem-most drainage from <br />approximately 300 feet south of the existing alignment of Vineyard Avenue to <br />Arroyo del Valle to accommodate road crossings and residential development <br />on Lots 18 and 22, the northem portion of the central drainage from the <br />existing alignment of Vineyard Avenue to Arroyo del Valle to accommodate <br />the proposed school on Lots 18 and 19, a 300-foot section of the eastem <br />drainage south of the existing alignment of Vineyard Avenue to accommodate <br />residential development on Lot 27, a 60-foot section of the eastem drainage <br />near the Plan Area's northem boundary to accommodate the realigned <br />Vineyard Avenue crossing, and the majority of the eastem-most drainage that <br /> <br /> Vineyard Avenue Corridor Spedtic Plan Draft EIR MMP-9 Mitigation Monitoring Plan <br /> <br /> <br />
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