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<br />OV\;I Hi\; lIl,;ht fivr.:; Y\;ill:', ...vlltiIlUr.:;J ~lIIvlllllr.:;lIt,,;a;')\,;;') (\I\,; \;hpl,,;d\,;J. Iligll ;')dlvvl...IIIVlllll\,;lItllc.l;') <br />uduc.llly Jr.:;diur.:;J ;')ill...... ullifI...alivlI, IIV\,V\;V\;I, tlli;') In;uJ 1\,;...\,;lItly I\;V\';l;,)\';J, c.lllJ Ilioll ;')dlvvl <br />\;lUvllllll,,;ub al\,; \,;Apl,;dI,,;J tv iU...Ir.:;(\;')l,; illthl,; 11\,;(\1 l~ltUl\,;. <br /> <br />r\JJit;vlh:ll ;')dlvvl rd...i);t;\,;;') will L\; u\,;\;JI,;J ;11 lln,; fululI.; lv " II\;W;');lIg Jr.:;vdvfJlIl\';ul. <br />TIll,; rk~.;,)c.l.lttvlI Uuifir.:;J SdllJvl Di;')hid DV(llJ vf TIlI;')k\;;') lid:' Jl,;vdupl,;J r.:;IIIUIlIlI\;lll }Jluj......tiulI;,) <br />dUJ lid;') ...uIIJud\,;J dll dualy;')i;') uf llll;; \;fT\;",b u[ [UlUl'" 1"'.::tiJ\;lllidl g,IV\'Vtl. ill 1'1\";c.l.:')c.lutvlI VII tin; Sdlvvl <br />Di;')hi...L';') fa...ilit;l;;;'). Tllr.:; "'lllldu:';VII;') JldWII Ly lll\';;,)\; Il,;pulb illduJr.:; lllr.:; ur.:;r.:;J fVI llul,;r.:; dJJ;tivlldl <br />clCIIIClIl,u.f ;,\..J.uul;" VIII.'; (.JJitiullal lu;ddtc-scJ.uul, dud l,.;hPdll;');VII vi' tin,; twv l,;Ai:,lillg laigJ. <br />schoob. 1111,; fi.;')l \;klllr.:;lIl"IY ;')dluvl ["",aily i;') \,;hpl,,;dl,,;d tv VP\;II ill llll,; f,,1I u[ 1997 ill llll,; <br />Stull\,;liJgl,; Dliv\; \;d.::tkdy l,;}d\,;Il;');vlI (II\..d. Till,.; ;').......VIlJ d\;lIll,;ulaIY ;')dlvvl i;') dllti"';pakJ tv Vp\';1l ill <br />tin,; fall vf2000 ill lln,; ;')vut!.Wr.:;;')L{,;11I }Jvdivll u[tllr.:; Di;')hid. '1111,; 1I1;IJ dl.,;lIlr.:;lIlalY ;')...huul i;') l,;l\.p\:"",kJ <br />tv upr.:;u alvuuJ Lllr.:; fall \1[2004 ;ull.l,.; ;:)uullll,,;c.l.:')t\,;11I pudiulI vfLIa\'; Di;')hid. <br /> <br />III ilJJitiull lv 111';:;;')1;; Ilr.:;W ;')dluuL~, tll\'; Di;') piau;') tv ",ulI;')ltud UIUII;; dd;');')IUUIlI;') ilL LyJ;I\.;')1,,;1I <br />Eklln,;utalY tv .d;\,;v\,; allti...;pakJ r.:;IIIUIlUIl,;lIl PIr.:;;');')U1r.:;;') wl.ik tll\'; II\..W ;:)...lluvb (II\.,; Ll,;illg \..vlI;')ltud{,;J. <br />TIn;;; 1Ir.:;r.:;J [VI a III;;W IlIiJJk ;:)"huul i;:) dllli",ipakJ ill lll\,; fall uf 1998. Iligll ;')dluul {,;IIlUIlIIl...llb \'vill <br />Lr.:;gilltv r.:;A",r.:;r.:;J \..ullr.:;lIt...apd\..ily lI\,;dl LIIl,.; lUlIl uftlll.; \..\;lItlllY. Till.:; Di;')lti...l lia;') pl'lII;') tv n;lIluJd Luth <br />hig,b ;')dluub allJ will;')d d:,iJI.; al\,;c.l.:') CVI fulull.; \;hP,UI;');ullln,;\,;J;'). <br /> <br />Thc School ni.trict n...'...'. no,\: school impact fee i, """""J on building permits issued for new <br />construction. The fees are expected to cover most, if not all, of the facilities costs crcated by <br />residential development through General Plan buildout.t4 <br /> <br />Fdll(,,~ltinn for Adults <br /> <br />Within nncl n..nrhy th.. r.ity of PI..n.nnton nr.. ('ontinlline l>(hwntionnl opporhmitic. for ncllllt. Th" <br />Plpn~:lntC1n Pnrk~ :'loci rommllnity Servi("f"t;; npp:utmp.nt ntTp.r~ n v:lriety or pOIlc.n.inn :md <br />enric.hment ::Jctivities. for matllre ndlllts. rind :l few hpalth_h:l",pd r:I:l"'~f'" for :u{lIh", ThC' Plp.:ls.antnn <br />I Jnifip.c-t Sc.hool Oio;;:tnp.t nffl""r.... :1p:ldpmic. vnrntinnnl :mrl enric.hment dns."ps, for :ldlllt", cfllrine <br />dnytimp. :mn p.vp.ninr hOllrs. One c:ommllnity c-ollp.f!p. (I no:;;: Pn",itm~) "Prof"" Plp:l<mnton :lnd hvn <br />colleres. Inc.ntpd in Plf>as.anfnn nffer nn-line "("cree prnCTnms. <br /> <br />I no:;;: Pno:;;:itno:;;: rnlll-~ep. ",("rot""" till" Tri_ Vnllf"Y nrprI inrllldine Plpno:;;:nntnn hy nfTp.nnc dno:;; in <br />tt...c.hnolneip.,,- hnmnnitips. riMs. hlls.inp.s." c:nmplltprc;;:. Innellflf!p. c:ommllnir.ntion mnth :lOci .;;,;r:iencp. <br />phyc;;,iC'::lI f'rlllC':ltinn find hf"fllth plJhlic. ~Ht(.ty, Hnn "nriHI ~c.ic.nrp. Stllnp.nt~ mHY nhtnin rm A~~nc.intt" <br />in Art... OPCrpp' (AA) nn Assnc.inte. in ~(' Oe.erpps (A~) or n ct"rtiticnh" within thf" rrlncC" of <br />sllhjec.t... thnt r :11;;. Po"itrll;;. nffpr... <br /> <br />POllr_yp.Hr collp.1!p." rind IInivp.rsitif"<';;' in Plp.n~nnton'" vicini1y inc)lInp.' rnl Stnte Pn.;;:1 Bay n1I-Jnywnrd <br />(I R milf's) nno nt rnncnrd (17 miles) nnd the I Jnivp.rsity nf rnlifnmin nt Bf"rkelp.y (1 t 111;1("0;;:) nnn <br />thrp.p. privntf! f':ollf"Ef"S IO(,:ltt"rI hptwpc.n ?~ tn ?~ miles from P)pn.;;:rmton <br /> <br />VI-19 <br />